
Showing posts from January, 2024

Workers o the Universe: Wherever There's Jameson, There's Hope

I want Percentage on this slogan

I Love Russians ❤️❤️❤️❤️ And My Comment : Your Father feels that He belongs in the Forest? I Love Him already.😍😍😍 I *wish* I could have lived in the deep Forest somewhere... but I've already got too spoiled by citylife. 🤷‍♂️ So, I Love living at a town, where Nature is nonetheless close-by... Hike for days without meeting any other human??? Sure sounds like Paradise to me (as, while in Nature, the last thing _I_ wanna encounter, are any other upright chimps). Having grown up in tiny israel, the distances in Russia (or Brazil, or canada...) have *always* sound unimaginable to me - since there, you go 100, 200 KM, sometimes even much less = and this is it, that is the border. Guess, for You, that's the distance to Your next door neighbour... 😂 And, as for politics - well, at least the people in Russia are *against* wars!! This *is* in a sharp contrast to all those *_amewicans,_* brits and all those other *blood-thirsty fascists,* who only need to hear...

An Excellent Vid, Dealing with YET ANOTHER "raw" fad diet Eater All that "Raw till 4" idea is sooo  ridiculous it's actually amazing  people would fall for it; as dumb as "trump 2024" LOL

מצחיק אותי לזכור, איך בפלשתינה ח ו ש ב י ם , שיש להם דבר כזה "חורף"... 😀

תכל'ס, רק כשאתה מבלה כמה וכמה חדשים כאן, בלב יבשת אירופה הקפואה, אתה מבין, מה זה חורף ואיך, למעשה, בישראל (שמה החלופי, והזמני, של פלשתינה בימינו) לא חווית אותו מימיך מעולם. 😃 לאחר התחלה חמימה לסתיו בספטמבר, כבר ביום שישי, ה-6 בחדש אוקטובר, צנחו הטמפרטורות היומיות לאיזורי ה 4 מעלות, בערך, ב בברויסק אהובתי וביום רביעי, ה-18 בו, כשהיו 6 מעלות בגומל (העיר הבלרוסית ה יחידה , אשר אינני אוהב בשום-פנים), כבר הרגשתי חמימות והסתובבתי, חופשי, בלי כובע. כאשר עשיתי הטעות הטראגית, רחמנא-ליצלן ונסעתי, לא-עלינו, לוורשה יימח-שמה ארבעה ימים אחר-כך, התעכב עניין חווייתי-את-החורף קמעה (מלבד הסיטואציה המטורפת, שלא הייתי מסוגל אפילו לדמיין לפני-כן, של חושך לילי מוחלט בארבע אחרי-הצהריים‼️‼️), אבל ביום שישי, ה-17 בנובמבר לפנות-ערב (בראשית הסופ"ש הנחמד והנעים האחרון, אשר זכיתי לדעת שם...), התחיל לרדת שלג - ו זהו-זה, הטמפרטורות עברו סופית להתגורר, באיזור האפס ומתחתיו. כאשר שבתי ל בברויסק אהובתי בבוקר יום שישי הטוב, ה-15 בדצמבר 2023, כבר ידעתי, מה הוא חורף באמת : קור מצמית (כאשר הטמפרטורות מגיחות אל מעל...

Excellent ❤️❤️

She Is An Angel

Fascinating Animal Senses

An EXCELLENT Vid I remember seeing, back on 2020 or '21 I believe, a Book titled "2020", about... a global pandemic, forcing social distancing and lockdowns, taking the World at 2020. Now, for the truly  creepy part. THE SAID BOOK HAD BEEN PUBLISHED BACK ON 1999. I confess I could not find enough courage within me to actually read it.

ח צ י - ש נ ה , ע כ ש י ו מ מ ש

זה לא אמור היה לקרות ככה. במרוצת החדשים מאי, יוני ויולי 2023, עקב המצב הפוליטי המחריד בארץ (שכבר הגיע ממש אל ספה, של מלחמת-אזרחים של-ממש!), מזה - ומצבי הכלכלי והיעדר כל הצלחה, במאמצי האינטנסיביים להשגת-עבודה (למעט אחת, בה מצאתי עצמי אנוס לנשום את סיגריותיו, של הבוס המעשן וה מטומטם ההוא = שותפה-להכחשת-המציאות, של שלי יחימוביץ'... "אין דבר כזה, עישון פסיבי, אין אפילו מחקר אחד בעולם, שמזכיר דבר כזה!"  - ב"הום סנטר" סניף קניון קריית-אונו, עד שנמלטתי משם), מזה - ניסיתי שוב ושוב, עוד ועוד, למצוא דרך להגר לבלארוס - כי ידעתי, וצדקתי!, ש כאן צריך להיות ביתי. ביום שני, ה-3 ביולי, באתי אל שגרירות בלארוס בישראל, השוכנת במרכז תל-אביב, רק על-מנת לגלות, שבעצם, הםן בחופשה עד ל-19 - אף שבאתרםן, לא טרחו לכתוב מלה על כך... - וכתבתי, למקומות שונים בבלארוס (אוניברסיטאות, משרדים ממשלתיים ועוד), על רצוני העז, להגר לשם, אך ללא שום תוצאה. מפה לשם, התקרב מועד סיום-החוזה, בדירה בה גרתי בשנה שעברה, דירה מצויינת במיקום מעולה בקריית אונו, בה רציתי מאד להישאר - אלא שמי, שדרשה ממני בתוקף להתח...


A Lovely Story

Right HERE Much better, than any actual episode of that TV series... 😃

Now I T R I E D to Go to the Market Down South to Buy a Large Bag

I need it, so I could finally throw away my large, Coffee-coloured trolly suitcase. I can no longer bare the sight of that suitcase, it... reminds me of... stuff. Stuff I'd much rather forget. Anyway, took a monith sheruth (they do exist here in Belarus, in a pretty large number) number 51, from the bus stop nearby to a street next to that market. And, right before reaching that bus stop, plus soon after I took off and walked to my destination, I slipped and fell. Twice!! It isn't Snow - walking on Snow is no big deal! It's just like walking on sand, only white and cold; pretty neat, in fact, as long as you're not in a hurry. No, as the temperatures have, sadly, grew warmer (it was 3° when I went out), the sidewalks are now covered with the most slippery combination of water, and ice. Lots of people, mostly old people at this time of day, I saw walking by, totally normally - well, they have been used to it their entire Lives, they know Snow and ice, they eat Snow and ic...

About Another One of All Those Religions=Cults Atrocities The scientology is a despicable atrocity, PRECISELY LIKE ALL OTHER RELIGIONS=CULTS.  Why would people view scientology as the extremely revolting and dangerous load of crap  that it is,  all the while making allowances for christianity, judaism, islam and all other sorts of sub-human shit-heads  truly lies beyond me. Truth be told, had it been up to me, ALL  religions=cults on Earth would have been outlawed, ALL  their believers would have been sent to reorientation labour camps, and ALL  their buildings would have been reduced to dust.

Excellently Showing Where GOOD Intentions Might Lead

Some Music

Are the Baltics and ❤️Belarus❤️ "Eastern Europe"?

The Baltics are, in fact, Central  Europe. You can check it - open an atlas on a Map of the entire continent of Europe. Put a ruler to it, from the Ural Mountains to Portugal. The Baltics and ❤Belarus❤ would be at just about the middle of it; this is because the actual centralmost point of the entire continent is, in fact, in Southern Lithuania.🙂

Why Time Travelers' Panic about "Preserving the Timeline!" Is, In Fact, Misguided

As there actually no linear time (everything, in fact, happens simultaneously, while only our brains interpret it in a chronological order, a tiny piece at a time), as assuming that "the Universe shall take the care to prevent paradoxes" adornes the Universe with an imaginary anthropomorphic and benevolent sentient, that simply is not there, and as (according to Quantum mechanic, and as proven by countless experiments throughout the entire past century) anything that can happen, in a matter of fact does happen, there is actually no reason for time travelers' hysterical fright of "we must not endanger the sacred timeline!!", as seen at countless Stories, TV Shows and Movies. And not only since, according to Chaos, THEIR VERY PRESENCE in the past is bound to change it, but ALSO because, in fact, from the very first fraction of a pentosecond of the Universe's inception, once the Physical laws were determined, ABSOLUTELY ALL  POSSIBLE OUTCOMES OF ABSOLUTELY EVER...

Dating at the PreHistorical Era of the Nineteen-Fifties Hmm, sounds surprisingly modern. And here I had always had the notion that in the fifties they were all like fanatically religious, and had nothing on their mind, but marriage and kids... while their only chance of a reasonable dancing Music, was if someone would grab a De Lorian from 1985 and just happen to crash in their "Fish under the Sea" Dance. But, instead, it turns out they were actually more enlightened and modern, than in our own dark times... well, by some means, that is; clearly not whenever thing such as racism, or girls actually wanting to have a career, come to our mind.

So Beautiful...❤❤❤

An Almond Butter Recipe

Proof that christianity is mental retardedness: that josh guy.😂😂😂

Very Beautiful

Stop Thinking of Me as "Jewish"

Yes, my Ancestors had been religious Jews. Yes, my Great-Great-GrandFather (my Mother's Father's Mother's Father), `Eli'ezer Yehuda Leib Treistmann, had been a chief rabbi in poland over a century ago. Yes, both my GrandPas (the one, who was born in Kurdistan and the one, who was born in poland), as well as my Dad, knew how to pray the jewish prays, made a Qidush every Friday Night ('Erev Shabbath), and fasted on Yom Kippur. SO WHAT??? At our household, we were never religious. During my early childhood, when my Dad was still alive, we went to a synagogue a few times, in special holidays and the likes, had a Qidush, as I said, but - that's it, more or less... after his death, when I was 9, we stopped even doing that. When I was 15, we even stopped avoiding bread on Passover, and that's it - and, during my adult years, I have developed my own religious faith, Citrianism, which is LIGHT YEARS away from ANY Bible-based religion; really, for me, judaism, christi...

And Yet MORE Proof, that christianity is A MENTAL ILLNESS that Should Be Dealt with Medically... Regarding the "pre birth control past" that australopythec witch "doctor" misses so terribly much: back then, there was no antibiotic, so like 80% of babies died pretty much instantly, so you had to have ten of them to make sure at least two would actually make it to adulthood and Sexually productive years, thus reasonably preserving your genes... 27:00 - W e l l . If "lots of western nations are concerned about not having enough people", THEN  they can open up the gates to IMMIGRATION,  or - For The Very Fucking LEAST!!!!  - STOP  sending Refugees back to their homelands to die!! - And then  they shall have many more people... Truth be told, those  people shall NOT be Pure Blooded Nordische Arianische Volk, with blondie hair and pale blue eyes and all other racial markers of Festung Europa,  according to adolf-and-co., however  some mixing  of population and cultural genes is BOUND  to be...

An Excellent Vid, Exposing YET ANOTHER Psychotic and Despickable Cult Obviously, that poor sick bastard tomás is just another admiring member of that sick and twisted bastard's loonie cult... which, in term, is just as crappy as all  religions = cults on Earth (a religion and a cult are the same thing really, only the sheer brute force at their disposal seperates them from one another. At a proper World, there would not have been any religion present, and all churches, temples, synagogues, mosques etc., would have been reduced to dust a long  time ago).

Cool So Vegans are hornier = Sexually Healthier. This sure *is* very good to know, as it 100% _contradicts_ one of the more toxic lies of carnist propaganda... 😀😀😀😀

LOVE ❤❤❤ This girl is a True Angel.



Beautiful ❤❤

Right Now 🙂❄️🌞


Cool!! I'll Sure Visit It This Year

Interesting So, the common english people were obviously much better off, also back then, than the common polish, or Russian ones... at the polish-lithuanian countryside of four centuries ago, the common people could not even have dreamed of wearing such garments...

For the Very First Time in My Entire Life, I Saw Such A Thing

55 - 55, and an extra black ball required to decide the frame. W O W . ( Here , at 58:30)

A Short While Ago 🙂


תגובה ל-Shoe, לסרטונה החדש

After the first minute: Shoe... During the entire first minute of this vid, You don't make any  sense, I have absolutely no idea what are  You talking about, so You needn't worry at all. 😂😂😂 And, after watching a few minutes more : Ooh Mein Gott!!!!!!!!!!!!! KINDERN be exposed to SINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now Nudity - and tomorrow, they might even heard the terms "abortion", "evolution" and "Atheism"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Holly Taliban Alliance, of the Divinely Ordered Republican Party, is at a grave RISK!!!!!!!!!! שריפה, אחים, שריפה... עיירת-הטאליבאן, עולה, באש... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I mean like, Shoeinka - had that itch been invaded, say, by the christoMANIACS of the republikaki shitheads = such as palin, zuckerberg and all other members of the "Trump Be Divine Emperor from 2024 for Life" lunatics' club, I would have understood your concerns. But, here - Shoe!! Nudism is HEALTHY AND GOOD!! It is ONLY the religious brainwash, you...

Global Sexual Revolution Now!! 🙂 Random thoughts: Bet that christoloonie had a vibrating egg inside her cunt while making those ridiculous shorts. 😂 What the World truly  needs, is A NEW  SEXUAL REVOLUTION, under which ALL  existing institutionalized religions shall be declared to be abusive cults, and all  religious parents, who teach _ "faith in jesus shmesus"_ to their kids, shall be convicted of child abuse,  while ACTIVELY EXPOSING  kids to Sex, shall become the NEW religious commandment for ALL.  And, as an integral part of this new and Healthy  World Religion, the word Slut shall mean "a Goddess to be worshipped", while the word "prude" shall mean "a sick woman who needs conversion therapy" and the word "pervert" shall mean "a person who view Sex negatively and unconstitutionally censors the Lovely word 'Fuck'" (meaning: sending zuckerberg and the breen to a Reeducation Sex Gulag,  where they s...

Very Interesting

OF COURSE Nature is Filled with Gods and Spirits...❤❤❤

I Love This Song

Although I Cannot Yet Understand The Words, I Love It. She Is Gorgeous❤️❤️


And Now... Ain't No Sun No More ❄️❄️❄️🙂

The pics are blurred due to the heavy Snow.❄️

Yesterday at 12:33, Near the Hotel

It  looks  warm and sunny, but it was -13°C. 🌞❄️😃 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yesterday at Noon, at Babruysk's Central Square

It looks warm and sunny, but it was -13°C. 🌞❄️😃

The Vid That Proves That Religious People Are Severely Mentally Retarded And My Comments : Still at the beginning, but I just had to comment😂 A - That talibanic idiot looks even stupider than most of those 17th century style inquisition maniacs LOL Imean, what's with that ultra-dumb hat???😂😂😂 B - The lousy book of daniel was written on the 2nd century BCE, during the jewish taliban rebellion of the 160's to be exact, so how 600?? 😅 Meaning: the jerk can't even compute simple numbers, can't even get the most basic 4th grade mathematics right. 🙂 C - How does he deliver the money to God? Which app does he use for it? "Korona Pay"? "Revolut"? "PayPal"? And, when he does, how does that god chap receive it? Here, when I receive money sent to me via "Korona Pay", I go to the "TechnoBank" branch at the nice shopping mall at Minskaya 133, show them my passport, give them the number of the transaction and then receive the money, minus all those irr...

На Первый Раз По Мой Блогам בפעם הראשונה בבלוגי For the First Time in My Blog

Пост на всё три оффицялных языкых моя блога.  פוסט ב כל שלוש השפות הרשמיות של הבלוג.  A post in  all the blog's three official languages. Давай видим какой буд дела.  בואו נראה, איך ילך.  Let's see how it goes. (Натуральные, по-Русский много ошибатьсях будят; але, я надею, это будет удобочитаемый [Cheesus, what is this word???🫨🫨🫨].  כמובן, ברוסית יהיו הרבה טעויות; אבל אני מקווה, שזה יהיה קריא.  Naturally, the Russian shall have lots of mistakes; but I do Hope it will be readable.) Давай. Сейгодния шёл до департмэнт полисия дла регистрацю иностранецых; эта в улица как ном Лынкова, близко два внимательных местых для купких. Я ел миндальный круассан, и купил салат и хумус в супермаркэт "Грин". אז היידה. היום נסעתי להירשם במחלקת-הזרים במשטרה, הממוקמת ברחוב לינקובה, בסמוך לשני קניונים נחמדים. אכלתי קרואסון שקדים וקניתי סלט וחומוס, בסופרמרקט "גרין". So on with it. Today I went to register at the police's foreigners department, which is located at Lynko...

B R E A T H - T A K I N G W O W ! ! Normally these numbers don't look significant,  until  one remembers how americans do still(!!) stick by their strange measurement-system for some reason, which makes it  amazing. The Mississippi River FROZE??? This Winter is particularly cold here at Central and Eastern Europe, too, with temperatures reaching twenty-, even thirty-years lows. Which begs the question:  Are we witnessing the beginning of The New Ice Age? (Well, far better than global warming,  this  one's for sure!!)

W O W Normally these numbers don't look significant, until  one remembers how americans do still(!!) stick by their strange measurement-system for some reason, which makes it amazing. This Winter is particularly cold here at Central and Eastern Europe, too, with temperatures reaching twenty-, even thirty-years lows. Which begs the question: Are we witnessing the beginning of The New Ice Age? (Well, far better than global warming, this one's for sure!!)


Time to Admit Facts

Had I stayed in israel, this post would NEVER have been written. While there, I had felt so horrified of "what people might say", that I kept such matters, as those related to what I am about to confess here, under tight covers of extreme secrecy, NEVER discussing them, even in a hint, with ANYONE. In israel, you always must appear strong, even brutal, when engaging at any sort of political activism - and when entering the talkback-war (an inflamation battle of brutality and hatred between the different social, religious and political camps in israel, which take place at the comment section under any newspaper article and news announcement online) - and, as I did always have political aspirations (I had wished to become a knesset member ever since I was 9!), I knew that I must NEVER appear to be in any need of a psychological help of any kind, lest all the online bullies at those comments might, somehow, find out about it = and tear me apart with their cruel and vicious word...


Excellent 😍😍


Let It Close, Let It Close, Let It Close😃😃😃 A - Who wants  to buy from those bloody western fascists anyway??? B - All the rich are enemies of the People. C - All "fashion" is pure nonsense anyway;  people should invest in their brains, and  NOT  in sheer vain nonsense, such as their appearance. D - While it is nice to sit in a shopping mall's Café, between their kitschy golden design, and a Good Old Russian / Belarusian Country House Design, I'll take the Village❤❤❤  one ANY time. 😍😍😍

The True Meaning of Religion


Cool! I'll Sure Take a Ride When I'm There Next

Very Beautiful ❤

An Amazing Beauty ❤❤


Swayze Properly Deals with a TRULY Dumb Carnist 🙂👍 And My Comment : The big-money enemies of the People at the corpses... _industry_ must truly  be getting insanely  desperate, if they are paying SUCH  a global-level idiot, as that shu-ismeha blair (any relation to that awful brit guy??) to shill for them... 😂😂😂 I would have worried her vid might influence someone, however it sounds SOOO  bad that I seriously doubt even the trumpiest carnist would swallow  her  nonsense LOL


YUM YUM YUM!!!!❤❤❤ It all looks SOOO DELICIOUS!!  Once I'll have a kitchen again, I shall  make ALL  of these AMAZING Recipes!! 😍😍😍😍

שוב ושוב אני ניצב נפעם, מן הגאונות שבסדרה המעולה הזאת


We Should Look Forward, and Not Surrender to False nostalgia. And I Am Optimistic And My Comment: Precisely. People always enjoy remembering "the good ol' days", however their nostalgia colours those days and make their memories rather selective... they shall remember how Mommy always smiled while giving them their dinner, but not that she had to sacrifice any hope she had for a career of her own, simply due to her being born with a cunt, instead of a cock. They might remember the nice service they had received from a smiling person who belonged to a minority, but not how that said person was constantly living in fear for his Life and could never have hoped to enjoy even receiving the service he was giving to them. They will remember the tasty foid they ate, but not how poisonous and cancering that "food" had actually been, due to the presence of chemicals nobody thought should be of any serious concern... and so and so and so on. At most fronts - from Animal-Rights to food-safety, fr...

Some Stuff I Created Today


Can You Explain This???

Five vids of pretty much the same sort, all are pretty similar, all are YouTube Shorts. One, uploaded a bit over two weeks ago, received 27 views. Another, uploaded 8 days ago, received 125. A third, uploaded 8 days ago as well: 12. A fourth, uploaded 5 days ago: 16 And a fifth, uploaded 4 days ago: just 1. Pretty much all views, were within the first 24 hours since their upload. The best thumbnail, belongs to tgat with the 16. They were all shared within the same platforms. IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE!!

About Russian Education System So Homeschooling is  possible. Good. This is the  most important thing. In israhell, the education system is, in fact, a fascistic nationalistic-religious brainwash and indoctrination system, without any emphasys upon actual knowledge, but only  with one SINGLE aim:  to manufacture  masses of blindly obedient soldiers for the israeli occupation force, as bad as submissive servants for all the vile wall-street's corporations. Independent thinking is forever frowned upon, and brutally oppressed, by the teachers (all of which are females; it's a true miracle I did not emerge an active trump-level misogynist from those mental concentration-camps  blat😢😢).



EXACTLY!! Being Feminine and Soft IS Beautiful, for BOTH Sexes!! And all those fascist pseudo  "liberal" woke d.n.c.  activists, who support hitlery clingon and kamala horroris, just cannot stand  the fact, that someone = ANYONE!!  - upon this entire fucking Planet  would EVER  do ANYTHING  that THE PARTY'S PALYITBYURO  (the corp-dem's fascist, north-korean  style leadership) hasn't approved. And, as it is ALWAYS for the "woke" psychopaths , it is either their way - or the highway.  That's why they mercilessly attack those sweet women, who dared(!!) making a Personal Life Choice,  which was not pre-approved by the clington and her gulag-guarding associates, at "huffpost", "medium" and all the likes of them... Those woke feminist fascists  on one side - and those trucker cakhson and piss more-gun (and all the likes of them  trumpists) on the other. Humanity is clearly rushing into hell.

The Best is Shoe❤️👍❤️👍❤️ I agree with almost everything she says here.

Well... 😂😂😂 NOW we all know, what happens when an internal designer eats waaaaayyy too many...  Mushrooms  🍄😺🍄🥰🍄😀🍄🙃🍄 before beginning to work on a project... 😂😂😂

אני אוהב רוסים These rules pretty much make sense... any properly civilized  chap takes off his hat and shoes upon entering a room/home, unless of course he's a savage monkey, who has just fell off a tree (like the israelis brrrrrrr). In most places I've been to, young people get up in the bus, to let the older ones sit... in fact, the only single exception that _I_ have ever witnessed to this rule was in poland; this should  have made me realize the true  sad nature of the polish people, and that I must run away from there in time...☹️

Creepy brrr 😂😂😂 Loved it.❤❤

Just Deleted Instagram, Facebook is On The Way Out, Too

As those two were NOTHING, but A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME. In theory, I had had over one hundred followers on instagram; nonetheless, my photos hardly ever received ANY attention whatso ever , and rarely ever more than one like, or any comment, other than "please sent it to me so I can charge you $$$ for promoting it"... and, in facebook, when I deleted all the so-called "friends", who actually could never have cared less whether I am alive or dead, I went from 45 facebook friends, to merely 8... and none of all those removed "friends" and supposed "followers" raised a finger to help me, when I had literally been inches away from actually dying.   Both socio pathic networks, have actually hardly given me anything, except for a lot of headache and an extreme frustration. And, historically, creating facebook pages, and throwing away good money on "promoting them" during the last decade, had given me absolutely big fat NOTHING, as bad. So:...

אני מגמרת



A Nice Sunny Day...

With -17°C. outside (and feels like -24). So, I am staying in today... 🙃

Wow I've never experienced such a temperature, so have no way to picture how it feels. The cold temperatures I now experience here in Babruysk (-10, -15...) sure make me comprehend all that wrapping-oneself-at-endless-layers thingy.🙂

A Beautiful Fantasy (Albeit A Bit Too Religious for My Taste) In Truth, however, at the *real* World, helping others and giving from Yourself to everybody else, does merely mean that You shall be left pennyless, without anything at all, as absolutely *nobody* shall care about You back, when You find Yourself at need... This is the actual difference, between Beautiful Fantasies - and the *real* world.😢

SO BEAUTIFUL!! ❤️❤️ I absolutely LOVE the Old Style Russian and Belarusian country houses. I wish to live in one myself... although with a normal toilet. 🙂 And the Dogs (both of them) look SO CUTE!!❤❤❤❤ In fact, the older Dog looked just like King Lucky the 1st (1986-2000).❤❤❤

In Fact, Theoretically Speaking, There IS A Scenario Where BOTH Evolution AND Creationism Could Be True

Everything we have find and see today points very clearly towards the hard fact of Evolution taking place on this World during billions of years as being the simple, factually given Truth. However, we have been seeing more and more reasons to doubt our reality actually being real at all. Too many things are just too much; too many incredibly unlikely coincidences, far too many absurds, that aside of the fact, that, considering the second law of thermodynamics, it is, by far, easier to create the World (and the entire Universe) as messy as it is today, than at a much higher level of order, as it originally had been. In fact, more and more people, including top scientists (you can easily google it), tend to consider the possiblity of us living in a computer-ran simulation as a viable, perhaps even pretty likely one; besides, it is always a possibility, that we, in fact, merely fictional characters at a (rather lousy, I should say...) Fantasy novel, written at a parallel dimension (possib...

שבת בבוקר, יום יפה ❄️🌞

An EXCELLENT Vid Here are my own notes for this subject at hand: Well, we're talking about an ignorant bunch a religiously fanatic trailer trash,  who never learned ANYTHING anyway and their entire "knowledge"  of Prehistory comes from watching "The Flintstones" (with whom, of course, they closely identify). 04:56 - Here we see what happens, when people talk  (or, more like gibber  😂) about the Bible, without them even _understanding what the Bible actually says:  they do not even speak  Hebrew. "Behemoth" (which, by the way, today simply means "beasts" and denotes any big mammal), back at the Original Hebrew of the Biblical era, had referred to hippos.  😃 "Livyathan", both then and  today, is a Whale,  while "Taninim" means "Crocodiles".  🙂 This is why, without knowing Hebrew TRULY  well, one might NEVER find out, what does  the Bible actually say...😂😂😂 12:49 - WHAT WHAT??? ...


What Russian Girls Consider to Be Beautiful The governing and immensely stupid Beauty standard is for girly girls to have a starved figure ("just freed drom auschwitz = a true girly girl"...), nonetheless possess tits whom bra-size is 49-F minimum, blonde hair and blue eyes (as par the PURE ARIANISCHE volksideal!!), and to turn their naturally cute and Lovely faces into something that might be used to horrify the Aliens, if and when they might decide to invade, probably in order to save us all the need to get to the wild Music only one old GrandMa listens to, before they would be done taking over this entire Planet. Real and ACTUAL Beauty, however, is the look of a chick who is SURE in herself and 100% confident in her looks - and knows perfectly well, that BEAUTY IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER. AND SOMETIMES THERE MAY COME A NEED TO GIVE A STUPID OR A MISINFORMED BEHOLDER A BLACK EYE.😂😂😂😂

I Really NEED to Get Some Stuff Pretty much everything I have fits the israeli...  "Winter".😂😂😂

About the racism in Russia, When Compared to that of the west And my comment : All this sounds very bad, of course, however  it is NOTHING  when compared to the situation in the u.s., where, up until about 50 years ago!!,  the most dehumanizing and brutal  white-supremacist racism was not only widespread, it was even legal and, furthermore: opposing  it, was considered a crime!! And, even up until NOW!!,  it is actually considered "just fine" for their s.s.-like polizei  force to shoot down and actively slaughter  their own citizens, if they aren't "white" enough... the "republicans" vastly support that mortifying dehumanization, of absolutely anyone  with ANY  actual colour of their skin, while the "democrats" (nothing democratic about that crap of a... "party"...) spend all their days and  nights in a racist incite  against Russians and Belarusians (who, by the way, are THE LOVELIEST PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET!!!!  And it tells volumes...

She Is An Angel. And He Is So Cute!! ❤❤

בדיוק התעוררתי מסיוט

חלמתי, שבדיוק עשיתי שגיאה גורלית ומטומטמת: חזרתי לישראל. אני משתתף, במפגש משפחתי נהדר והכל כה נעים ומתוק... עד שאני רואה, את עמדת-המשטרה למפגש הזה, כי ממשלת-הבלהות בדיוק העבירה חוק, לפיו על כל התכנסות של כך וכך אנשים, צריכה להיות עמדה משטרתית, שהקצין הנוכח בה יפקח על האירוע - ובשלט שם, מפורטות סמכויותיו: בין השאר, "לבקש ולקבל, באופן מיידי, צווי הוצאה-להורג עבור כלל המשתתפים"... ואז, אני הולך, מבועת, בחזרה למפגש - וחושב, מה לעשות, האם לחזור עכשיו לבלארוס, למקום בו הייתי בטוח? יש לי, בכלל, כסף לזה? אוי, למה חזרתי, הלוואי, שלא הייתי חוזר לישראל בכלל... ואז התעוררתי - ונשטפתי בהקלה כה אדירה, כה נפלאה ואמיתית ומתוקה, על שזה היה רק חלום רע ושאני כאן בבלארוס, בבברויסק האהובה, בטוח ומוגן.

