Here are my own notes for this subject at hand:

Well, we're talking about an ignorant bunch a religiously fanatic trailer trash, who never learned ANYTHING anyway and their entire "knowledge" of Prehistory comes from watching "The Flintstones" (with whom, of course, they closely identify).

04:56 - Here we see what happens, when people talk (or, more like gibber 馃槀) about the Bible, without them even _understanding what the Bible actually says: they do not even speak Hebrew. "Behemoth" (which, by the way, today simply means "beasts" and denotes any big mammal), back at the Original Hebrew of the Biblical era, had referred to hippos. 馃槂 "Livyathan", both then and today, is a Whale, while "Taninim" means "Crocodiles". 馃檪

This is why, without knowing Hebrew TRULY well, one might NEVER find out, what does the Bible actually say...馃槀馃槀馃槀

12:49 - WHAT WHAT??? 馃槀馃槀馃槀馃槀

37:52 - Well, here we encounter the ultra dumb concept of "a Book tells of something, so that something must be True" (which, of course, is at the very core of ALL those severely retarded religious jerks' bullshit). For obvious reasons, Serpent worship can be found ALL AROUND THE WORLD; in fact, I had once written an academic paper on this very subject:

However, it is very very VERY important to ALWAYS be aware, that ALL Mythological tales portraying this worship are just this: Mythology. Legends. No more "True", than any other WORK OF FICTION. In reality, there have never been any Flying Serpents ("Seraphim") or Dragons; they are Fantasies, just like Elves, Centaurs, Dryads, or Unicorns. And the Bible is among the very Best works of LITERARY FICTIONS that Humanity has EVER created - no more, and no less. 馃檪

44:33 - So, I have decided to check and see, what does the Bible TRULY say, about this _Behemoth_ guy (who, as I've mentioned, is a mere hippo); here is the entire section = Job 40, 15-24; can't understand the Hebrew? Being a professional Translator, I will give You here a (free and basic) translation right after this original text:

诪,讟讜  讛ִ谞ֵּ讛-谞ָ讗 讘ְ讛ֵ诪讜ֹ转, 讗ֲ砖ֶׁ专-注ָ砖ִׂ讬转ִ讬 注ִ诪ָּ讱ְ;    讞ָ爪ִ讬专, 讻ַּ讘ָּ拽ָ专 讬ֹ讗讻ֵ诇.
诪,讟讝  讛ִ谞ֵּ讛-谞ָ讗 讻ֹ讞讜ֹ 讘ְ诪ָ转ְ谞ָ讬讜;    讜ְ讗讜ֹ谞讜ֹ, 讘ִּ砖ְׁ专ִ讬专ֵ讬 讘ִ讟ְ谞讜ֹ.
诪,讬讝  讬ַ讞ְ驻ֹּ抓 讝ְ谞ָ讘讜ֹ 讻ְ诪讜ֹ-讗ָ专ֶ讝;    讙ִּ讬讚ֵ讬 驻ַ讞ֲ讚ָ讜 讬ְ砖ֹׂ专ָ讙讜ּ.
诪,讬讞  注ֲ爪ָ诪ָ讬讜, 讗ֲ驻ִ讬拽ֵ讬 谞ְ讞ֻ砖ָׁ讛;    讙ְּ专ָ诪ָ讬讜, 讻ִּ诪ְ讟ִ讬诇 讘ַּ专ְ讝ֶ诇.
诪,讬讟  讛讜ּ讗, 专ֵ讗砖ִׁ讬转 讚ַּ专ְ讻ֵ讬-讗ֵ诇;    讛ָ注ֹ砖ׂ讜ֹ, 讬ַ讙ֵּ砖ׁ 讞ַ专ְ讘ּ讜ֹ.
诪,讻  讻ִּ讬-讘讜ּ诇, 讛ָ专ִ讬诐 讬ִ砖ְׂ讗讜ּ-诇讜ֹ;    讜ְ讻ָ诇-讞ַ讬ַּ转 讛ַ砖ָּׂ讚ֶ讛, 讬ְ砖ַׂ讞ֲ拽讜ּ-砖ָׁ诐.
诪,讻讗  转ַּ讞ַ转-爪ֶ讗ֱ诇ִ讬诐 讬ִ砖ְׁ讻ָּ讘--    讘ְּ住ֵ转ֶ专 拽ָ谞ֶ讛 讜ּ讘ִ爪ָּ讛.
诪,讻讘  讬ְ住ֻ讻ֻּ讛讜ּ 爪ֶ讗ֱ诇ִ讬诐 爪ִ诇ְ诇讜ֹ;    讬ְ住ֻ讘ּ讜ּ讛讜ּ, 注ַ专ְ讘ֵ讬-谞ָ讞ַ诇.
诪,讻讙  讛ֵ谉 讬ַ注ֲ砖ֹׁ拽 谞ָ讛ָ专, 诇ֹ讗 讬ַ讞ְ驻ּ讜ֹ讝;    讬ִ讘ְ讟ַ讞, 讻ִּ讬-讬ָ讙ִ讬讞ַ 讬ַ专ְ讚ֵּ谉 讗ֶ诇-驻ִּ讬讛讜ּ.
诪,讻讚  讘ְּ注ֵ讬谞ָ讬讜 讬ִ拽ָּ讞ֶ谞ּ讜ּ;    讘ְּ诪讜ֹ拽ְ砖ִׁ讬诐, 讬ִ谞ְ拽ָ讘-讗ָ祝.

Basic, off-hand and free TRANSLATION:

40, 15: Here is Behemoth [hippo], which I have made with thou; just like cattle, he shall eat hay.
40, 16: Here is his power at his waste, and his potency at his belly's muscles.
Following phrases (sorry, haven't got the energy for a precise work here, but here's the general idea) praise this chap's physical prowess, "as iron", "as cedar", "as copper"... describe how he lies down underneath the River's vegetation... a hippo! A powerful beast to be sure, but there's absolutely NO REASON WHATSOEVER, to picture here a dinosaur...馃槀馃槀


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