We Should Look Forward, and Not Surrender to False nostalgia. And I Am Optimistic


And My Comment:


People always enjoy remembering "the good ol' days", however their nostalgia colours those days and make their memories rather selective... they shall remember how Mommy always smiled while giving them their dinner, but not that she had to sacrifice any hope she had for a career of her own, simply due to her being born with a cunt, instead of a cock. They might remember the nice service they had received from a smiling person who belonged to a minority, but not how that said person was constantly living in fear for his Life and could never have hoped to enjoy even receiving the service he was giving to them. They will remember the tasty foid they ate, but not how poisonous and cancering that "food" had actually been, due to the presence of chemicals nobody thought should be of any serious concern... and so and so and so on.

At most fronts - from Animal-Rights to food-safety, from Minorities-Rights to clean air - Humanity has advanced in GIANT LEAPS since the 1950's; of course, in lots of other means, from government fascistic and mortifying surveillance to money-worshiping and workoholism, our situation has worsen; but the various HUGE Improvements give rise to a Healthy Optimism that, obviously, There Is Hope For Good.🙂


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