The Letter I Have Just Sent to the UN

Hello, I am Danniél 'Odéd Kedem, also known as Danniél Qeletti, a 49 year old Hebrew and English Language Writer, Translator, Editor, Photographer and Language Teacher, and a Leftist Activist for my entire life.

Having born in israel, I had spent DECADES in futile attempts to change it from within, to make the zionists see a better way, a Peaceful way to live in harmony with their neighbours. But it was hopeless. A year and a half ago, by late July 2023, I finally left that homeland of mine forever, having become unable to stomach their sick racism any longer.

Since then, I have become an unwilling nomad, officially an eternal tourist, never legally allowed to work anywhere, nor to reside at any place for more than ninety days at a time, always being forced by law to keep moving away, until all power is gone...

I am exhausted. And I am sick if having to always show my israeli passport (as it is the only one I have), while appologising for that horrifying nation's atrocious crimes, in Gaza and elsewhere...

The only place I have been able to feel myself Home at is the beLoved city of Babruysk, Belarus. That is where my Heart is... but I am constantly being pushed out, since I am not rich enough to buy a house, or anything - I have never been rich, especially not after such a long time of forced nomadic existence.

All I want is a Place to call Home, a Place I shall be allowed to give private Language lessons at, by my own initiative, and which I will not be legally required to vacate every three months... and to have a passport I will not have to be ashamed at, and constantly appologising for, any time I am showing it.

Currently I am staying at Ohrid, Northern Makedonija, and planning to return to my beLoved Babruysk in about a month, or so.

Please, help me make that move my permanent and last.

Thank You,




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