Just Deleted Instagram, Facebook is On The Way Out, Too

As those two were NOTHING, but A COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME. In theory, I had had over one hundred followers on instagram; nonetheless, my photos hardly ever received ANY attention whatsoever, and rarely ever more than one like, or any comment, other than "please sent it to me so I can charge you $$$ for promoting it"... and, in facebook, when I deleted all the so-called "friends", who actually could never have cared less whether I am alive or dead, I went from 45 facebook friends, to merely 8... and none of all those removed "friends" and supposed "followers" raised a finger to help me, when I had literally been inches away from actually dying. Both sociopathic networks, have actually hardly given me anything, except for a lot of headache and an extreme frustration. And, historically, creating facebook pages, and throwing away good money on "promoting them" during the last decade, had given me absolutely big fat NOTHING, as bad.

So: Please take into account, that my facebook is about to go at any minute. So, if You know me there and You wish to keep being in contact, HERE ARE ALL THE WAYS TO CONTACT ME:

Mobile Number (calls/sms): +375-29-5095843
(Also uses me on both WhatsApp and Viber)
Living Place: Hotel "Turist" ("Турист"), Eastern Babruysk ("Бобруйск"), Belarus
Email #1: green.snail.forest@yandex.com
Email #2: citrian.snail@gmail.com
(I also have one at yahoo, but I hardly ever check it now, so... no real point in giving it to anyone anymore; my old gmail, by the way, the one I had used during the corona years, I hardly ever check now, too.)
YouTube: @NomadicNaturePhotographer
Buy Me a Coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/dannyqeletti
(Patreon doesn't work in Belarus, so I cannot access it here)
And this Blog.


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