Why Time Travelers' Panic about "Preserving the Timeline!" Is, In Fact, Misguided

As there actually no linear time (everything, in fact, happens simultaneously, while only our brains interpret it in a chronological order, a tiny piece at a time), as assuming that "the Universe shall take the care to prevent paradoxes" adornes the Universe with an imaginary anthropomorphic and benevolent sentient, that simply is not there, and as (according to Quantum mechanic, and as proven by countless experiments throughout the entire past century) anything that can happen, in a matter of fact does happen, there is actually no reason for time travelers' hysterical fright of "we must not endanger the sacred timeline!!", as seen at countless Stories, TV Shows and Movies. And not only since, according to Chaos, THEIR VERY PRESENCE in the past is bound to change it, but ALSO because, in fact, from the very first fraction of a pentosecond of the Universe's inception, once the Physical laws were determined, ABSOLUTELY ALL POSSIBLE OUTCOMES OF ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING IN THEM HAS ALREADY HAPPENED, IS CURRENTLY HAPPENING AND WILL CONTINUE TO HAPPEN UNTIL LITERALLY THE END OF TIME.

Thus, Lorrain did marry Biff, for example, as the Laws of Physics have never ruled out that possibility, so it not only theoretically could have happened, but it most certainly did happen (is happening, shall happen...), just as any other possible outcome, of absolutely ANYTHING.


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