And Yet MORE Proof, that christianity is A MENTAL ILLNESS that Should Be Dealt with Medically...

Regarding the "pre birth control past" that australopythec witch "doctor" misses so terribly much: back then, there was no antibiotic, so like 80% of babies died pretty much instantly, so you had to have ten of them to make sure at least two would actually make it to adulthood and Sexually productive years, thus reasonably preserving your genes...

27:00 - W e l l .

If "lots of western nations are concerned about not having enough people", THEN they can open up the gates to IMMIGRATION, or - For The Very Fucking LEAST!!!! - STOP sending Refugees back to their homelands to die!! - And then they shall have many more people...

Truth be told, those people shall NOT be Pure Blooded Nordische Arianische Volk, with blondie hair and pale blue eyes and all other racial markers of Festung Europa, according to adolf-and-co., however some mixing of population and cultural genes is BOUND to be A Very Healthy Thing Indeed, for the decaying civilization of western-and-central-europe, as absolutely ANYONE who isn't a trump-worshiping neo-nazi can very easily see and understand.

28:45 - But here, of course, lies the very core of the problem of them republikaki party's activists (so-called "democrats"!! As Griff Tannen told Marty: Don't go anywhere, You're Next!!😂) - while, being pathologically religious fanatics, just like the afghan taliban, they are also extremely fanatic capitalists, who believe that "arbeit macht frei, and whoever is too physically, socially, or economically weak to succeed, should perish in the street, heil wall-street!!" And, most naturally, they can no more shake that sick ideology away, than they can shake away their hysterical faith at "jesus, virgin mary" and all the rest of that mad pagan pantheon of ridiculous deities.

29:50 - "The Safe Days"... "method".

The... "prevention" method responsible to more unplanned child-births, than the number of people in current-day China.

That is the Family... "planning" method those quacks can easily live with.

Allah hu akbar.



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