About the racism in Russia, When Compared to that of the west


And my comment:

All this sounds very bad, of course, however it is NOTHING when compared to the situation in the u.s., where, up until about 50 years ago!!, the most dehumanizing and brutal white-supremacist racism was not only widespread, it was even legal and, furthermore: opposing it, was considered a crime!! And, even up until NOW!!, it is actually considered "just fine" for their s.s.-like polizei force to shoot down and actively slaughter their own citizens, if they aren't "white" enough... the "republicans" vastly support that mortifying dehumanization, of absolutely anyone with ANY actual colour of their skin, while the "democrats" (nothing democratic about that crap of a... "party"...) spend all their days and nights in a racist incite against Russians and Belarusians (who, by the way, are THE LOVELIEST PEOPLE ON THIS PLANET!!!! And it tells volumes about all those biden-supporting americans, that they are mentally capable, at all, of inciting against ❤Belarus❤😢). Don't believe it? Just go and check their garbage, hateful media of "the new york times" and "cnn". 😢

So, when compared with all of THAT, the ugly racism of "renting only to slavs", as revolting and awful as it sure is, nonetheless is tiny peanuts in comparison.

Such ugly racism, in fact, I myself (being a Jew) have experienced in polakland and czechia = two of the most racist countries in europe now, by the way.😢


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