I Love Russians ❤️❤️❤️❤️


And My Comment:

Your Father feels that He belongs in the Forest? I Love Him already.😍😍😍 I *wish* I could have lived in the deep Forest somewhere... but I've already got too spoiled by citylife. 🤷‍♂️ So, I Love living at a town, where Nature is nonetheless close-by...

Hike for days without meeting any other human??? Sure sounds like Paradise to me (as, while in Nature, the last thing _I_ wanna encounter, are any other upright chimps).

Having grown up in tiny israel, the distances in Russia (or Brazil, or canada...) have *always* sound unimaginable to me - since there, you go 100, 200 KM, sometimes even much less = and this is it, that is the border. Guess, for You, that's the distance to Your next door neighbour... 😂

And, as for politics - well, at least the people in Russia are *against* wars!! This *is* in a sharp contrast to all those *_amewicans,_* brits and all those other *blood-thirsty fascists,* who only need to hear some *lies* from some "cnn/bbc/abc/cbc/fox" well-groomed wall-street propaganda-spreading *whore* about _"tewwow"_ (those americans can't even pronunce their R's correctly!! It always gets on my nerves!!!!) = and *_oopsala!!_* they give their president their automatic 100% zieg-heiling support, in committing genocide against *yet another* helpless country, from VietNam to Iraq, praising their murderous soldiers as "our godly, sacred military veterans"...

At least *the Russians* = being decent Peace Loving People = resist all wars and, for the most part, do their very *Best* efforts to avoid taking _any_ part in them.

Ho, Yes, no question here: *Russian people are _WAAAYY BETTER,_ than _any_ people of the west.*


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