Global Sexual Revolution Now!! 🙂

Random thoughts:

Bet that christoloonie had a vibrating egg inside her cunt while making those ridiculous shorts. 😂

What the World truly needs, is A NEW SEXUAL REVOLUTION, under which ALL existing institutionalized religions shall be declared to be abusive cults, and all religious parents, who teach _"faith in jesus shmesus"_ to their kids, shall be convicted of child abuse, while ACTIVELY EXPOSING kids to Sex, shall become the NEW religious commandment for ALL. And, as an integral part of this new and Healthy World Religion, the word Slut shall mean "a Goddess to be worshipped", while the word "prude" shall mean "a sick woman who needs conversion therapy" and the word "pervert" shall mean "a person who view Sex negatively and unconstitutionally censors the Lovely word 'Fuck'" (meaning: sending zuckerberg and the breen to a Reeducation Sex Gulag, where they shall properly be pegged, while forced to watch Bisexual Teens' Incestous Orgies Porn 12 hours a day). Also, of course, legally obliging the ENTIRE human population of this Planet to go 100% perma Nude on hot days, and jailing anyone who would still insist upon wearing unnecessary textiles for being offensive perverts.

Oh, and that skin-care thingy sure sounds nice, especially as You look absolutely GORGEOUS, so if YOU are using it, it must be good... so, I just wonder, if they are also properly shipping to ❤Belarus❤?


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