תגובה ל-Shoe, לסרטונה החדש

After the first minute:


During the entire first minute of this vid, You don't make any sense, I have absolutely no idea what are You talking about, so You needn't worry at all. 😂😂😂

And, after watching a few minutes more: Ooh Mein Gott!!!!!!!!!!!!! KINDERN be exposed to SINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now Nudity - and tomorrow, they might even heard the terms "abortion", "evolution" and "Atheism"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Holly Taliban Alliance, of the Divinely Ordered Republican Party, is at a grave RISK!!!!!!!!!! שריפה, אחים, שריפה... עיירת-הטאליבאן, עולה, באש...


I mean like, Shoeinka - had that itch been invaded, say, by the christoMANIACS of the republikaki shitheads = such as palin, zuckerberg and all other members of the "Trump Be Divine Emperor from 2024 for Life" lunatics' club, I would have understood your concerns. But, here - Shoe!! Nudism is HEALTHY AND GOOD!! It is ONLY the religious brainwash, you have obviously been a helpless victim of, that made you believe otherwise. Ez a miért why I say, that RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IS CHILD ABUSE. Ez a miért, és ez a baj.


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