
Showing posts from February, 2025

EXCELLENT And My Comment : EXCELLENT  - I trust Trump and Putin shall  indeed reach an Agreement to achieve World Peace, in spite of the e.u., u.k. and so-called "democrats"'  neo-nazi war-mongers. If Trump shall bring Peace between the Russian Federation and the west, and shall completely outlaw russophobia, I, a Radical Leftist Liberal for my Entire Life, shall officially and vocally  support the Republican Party, then and for All Time.

Late February - Early March in Photos II

ALL Above Photos were Taken Exactly Two Years Ago, on the 28th of February 2023, in the Fields East of Ganéy Tiqvà.

Late February - Early March in Photos I

    (An assumed date: Early March 1993)     Young Heir Apparent Taltùl Kedem (later to     be officially crowned as Emperor Taltùl I of     House Kedem ), my owner between 1993 &     1997.     26th of February 2017     Actual Heaven, East Reĥovoth,     Glorious Citrus Plants, Blue Sky, Green Fields     Life belongs here, in the Holly Land,     Sacred Citrus Realm, Owner of my Heart.     Take me Home, Country Road,     To the Place I belong,     East Reĥovoth, Citronország,     Take me Home, Country Road.     29th of February, 2020, Two Weeks before the World Fell     Vegan Cioccolata, with Vegan (Soy-Based)     "Snickers Snack" Ice-Cream Scoop, at     "Grand Italia", Reĥovoth.     3rd of March, 2022     Thursday Morning at "LaLa" Bar-Café,...


GO TO HER!!!! TALK TO HER!!!! WALK WITH HER!!!! BEFORE it shall become TOO LATE.

FINALLY Got Them Yesterday 😍😍😍😍


Why Would ANYONE Choose to live ANYWHERE in the united n.r.a. states, At All??? 😃 Well obviously  anyone who would move to texas is a psychotic n.r.a. trumpist LOL However, as an Environmentalist and a Socialist, I could never have figured out What on Sedna  could anyone  possibly  see in l.a., for example, that would cause them to move to that utterly REVOLTING  and disgusting  shrine for cars and money. I mean, I  shall never even visit  it!! 😃

Please Help Them

Hmmm... 🤔 Well if the Chinese  would be the ones to successfully deflect it away, while the euromericans would just stare, masturbate and mumble to themselves "not from my  avarist pocket!",  then this  shall SCIENTIFICALLY prove that the Peoples of Eastern Asia  are the Superior Race, while the white people should really be relegated to an eternal state of servitude. Which shall be very very good indeed.

Regarding canada's Sad Relation to the fascistic, plutocratic, oppressive and imperialistic american reich

In fact, canada has always behaved like a mindless appendix  to the u.s., blindly supported all its illegal imperialistic wars  and brutal oppressive and agressive foreign policy  at every possible turn, without ever questioning anything. It is only now, thanks to trump's obvious madness and clinical insanity, that canadians have finally  discovered that they can actually have a spine, and a personality of their own.

Remarkable!! 😍😍

Very Good

Y U M ! ! 😃😃😃😃

My Thoghts in Dark of the germ(an) Bloody election's results Blat

OBVIOUSLY, THE STASI KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING, AND WHY. The election-results, giving the fucking neo-nazis more votes, than the Left and the greens combined , prove what I, for one, have realized already by mid-June 2014 (which was why I turned and ran a hell away   from there, as fast as I possibly could): that  the germ(an)s have never changed, nor would they ever change. That the entire "different, humanistic, enlightened and accepting germany" was NOTHING, but a sham. And that it had only  been a matter of time, until FULLY-FLEDGED NEO-NAZIS shall come to power, once again, at ALL  germ(an)ic & nordic languages speaking lands. Since, genetically speaking,  nazism is their natural state of being. And: Merz said he hoped to form a new government by Easter, April 20, 2025... So as to celebrate adolf hitler's birthday!!!! By swearing in the new nazi government of the renewed germ(an) reich... So, I had originally assumed, that it would happen, already, by 2...

"Sometimes Being Strong Means Allowing Yourself Being a Child Again" - Indoora

So Yeah♥️👍🏻🩷🍓

Я Люблю Только Малых Города

Многи люди любих больших городы: Минск, Москва, Санкт Петервург... но, меня, таких города очень стрессовы и гнетущы - после кажды визит в Минске, на пример, мои уши наполненным с шумных звуких Метра системы оповещены. И всё люди в улици = всегда бегут. Никогда идут медленно. Я улитка! 😃 Идеологический, я верю Медлительность: (Английский - Великолепног Улитка🐌) Вот почему я люблю только малых города, такой ♥️Бабруйск♥️, Великый Новгород, Охрид... хорошие, любие, Мирный Местих, где человек может Счастливо и Радостно жить, и, в ноче, люди спит.🙂

Why the u.s. Has No Actual Fast Train System (Aside from a Few Lines)? And My Comment : You guys cannot have any actual railway system, compared to the e.u., China or Russia, since y'all are a nation of gun-waving sociopaths,  who prioritize driving your horribly polluting cars  at fatal speeds  while absolutely NEVER communicating with any other human beings,  over even contemplating  the idea of sitting in a train, and letting a professional do the driving. It all stems from your sick  nature, which prioritizes competition over cooperation, and worships absolutely ALL sorts  of sick and senseless violence. How could  there be any successful Public Transportation System, in a nation where practically ALL citizens are gun waving psychos? This, along with the diagnosed psychosis named "capitalism",  has sadly sealed its fate.

February Photography A


Great News: There Is a Fine Chance for a Cleaner World by Late 2032 😃 Can it PLEASE  hit warsaw, and thus take out  some hundred thousands racist little polaks? As this shall TRULY  be absolutely Grand.

Goes Great with Falafel at the simplest 'hood  style places.😍😍👍🏻👍🏻😍😍


Cool!! 👍🏻♥️👍🏻♥️👍🏻

One of My Favourite Peoples. Cool

Cool!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

He Is Absolutely Right And My Comment : EXACTLY.  I completely  agree with You, and share your fears. Personally, I am one of the said 3% - I use the "Subscriptions" page as a default, and only ever check the "Home"  screen here once in a while, whenever I feel like wanting to discover something new. In fact, the main  reason I have forever abandoned the crappy "instagram"  garbage app, is exactly that, instead of the stuff I had asked to see, it came to first predominantly, and then almost exclusively, show me stuff I never chose, nor wanted, but its bloody owner's  computer seemed to think that I should see... During the past two years, or so, "google search" has been starting to become more and more like that - and I would have abandoned it already, had all the other search engines not actually been far worse  yet. And "google maps",  as much as it is useful for me, has giving me so MUCH  bad, and often ...

YUMMY!! ♥️😍♥️😍♥️

YUMMY!! This Recipe is a Must-Try!! Once I'll have a blender/mixer/food-professor, I'll make this for sure.


Porn is Healthy and Good

Sick RELIGIOUS monsters  have a problem with Porn, as it represents a break away from the garbage  they propagate, towards REAL FREEDOM. The more Pornography (for ALL ages!! Children included) the better. And all  churches, synagogues and mosques should be burned to the ground, their dumb worshippers transported to proper reorientation camps.

Indeed!! The more Masturbation the better. And all churches, synagogues and mosques should be burned to the ground.

Cool 😻😻😻

What Would You See at the Center of Our Galaxy?

Looks Yummy 😍😍😍😍

LOVE 😍😍😍

Nice!! 😃♥️

Best Allegory to Date


Ага. Сейчас, это приятно: я буду обратно приходи на Бабруйске в Марте, может быть в 6, может в 13, но в Марте наверняка. Так как, по счастливой случайности, есть рейси через Ереван. 🙂 Что действительно очень молодец. В 28 Феврала, или 1 Марта, буду билет купить (поэтему только тогда у меня будут деньги). Ну, кроме того, якой можете видить, я еще учу Русском Языком, чуть-чуть каждый день, очень медленно...🙂

Excellently Made and Very Interesting Indeed

The 100 Year Journey to Proxima Centauri B (Sci-Fi Documentary)


Alpha Centauri

Life Vlog, Wednesday the 19th of Feb.2025

Very lonely, and missing my beLoved ♥️Babruysk🩷...

The Truth about germany (and ALL the euroNAZI union, Of Course)

From an Sevodniya Belarus' Interview  with Vadim Gigin: “We see that it has come out on top in Germany. People are so concerned about this problem that quite respectable parties are now adopting the agenda, programme and ideological demands on the migrant issue from the parties that were recognised as radical [...] These migrants do not bother us in any way: these are peaceful people who have suffered from the policies of the West. Meanwhile, the EU has shielded from them and is demanding something from us". MEANING :    The "so enlightened, humanistic and accepting" german federal republic (which can already restyle itself officially as the fourth german reich... ), faced with a growing number of helpless non-arian Refugees (escaping the horrors instigated by the west itself, such as the wars planned and carried out by the na zi t errorist o rganisation = nato!! ), is currently readapting its traditional racist terminology, officially defining all non-arian human be...

Very Nice

My Best Photo Every Month - Several Honorary Mentions XIV

October 2024: December 2024:

My Best Photo Every Month - Several Honorary Mentions XIII

September 2024 (cont.):

My Best Photo Every Month - Several Honorary Mentions XII

May 2024: August 2024: September 2024:

Swayze Deals Beautifully with a dumb fanatic And My Comment : That guy, whoever he is, is so stupid!! 😃  Really, how can _anyone_ be such an idiot. As the Truth is exactly  the opposite. A Great Deal MORE  people shall go Vegan, if only they would have the chance!! Here, me, for example - for all those years, living in israhell, I was absolutely certain  that I will forEVER and EVER  remain 100% Vegan, as I had been from Mid 2015 to late 2023. However, having being forced into exile, I have found myself living in places, such as Belarus or Makedonija, where, while the people are Lovely and Great, the awareness levels regarding Veganism are infinitesimal in comparison - for example, at the Hotel I was living at in Babruysk, Belarus, there was almost nothing  Vegan, and I had found myself in a condition of an actual starvation, growing extremely weak, until I was finally broken and started eating eggs and cheese. And here in Ohrid, I could not locate To...

She Was So Beautiful!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ And My Comment : She was so Beautiful!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ The very idea, of seeing a Black(!!)  girl in her portraits, certainly is  an excellent example of a crackwoke psychosis of the bolshevic academaniacs of contemporary u.s. gone completely  out of hand.  Really, someone Please  put all those mad "woke"  professors in the same asylum, as the creationists, flat earthers and anti-vax, which is where they all  belong. URRRRRRRRRRRRRRGENTLY!!

Very Interesting: What did People from the Past REALLY look like?

Is the Hebrew Bible Historically Accurate? And My Comment : The bible is fiction. It is a collection of Fantasy Legends, a few of which might mention an actual Historical incidence (in "Kings" B, nothing earlier than that), but even this, is completely being coloured by the narrator of the Story's ideological aims and goals. All the "main"  characters, such as Adàm, Ĥavà, Nò`aĥ, the Patriarchs & Matriarchs, Yoséf, Mošè, Šmu`él, Ša`ùl, Davìd, Šlomòh, Ěliyàhu etc. had never existed.  Many people love jumping up and down and yell "Thel Dan Thel Dan",  however Thel Dan does only  prove that, By the mid 9th Century BCE, the kings of Yehudà were telling the World how, over an entire century earlier,  they had an ancient ancestor named Davìd, who had started off their dynasty; and absolutely NOTHING  besides.😃 Only from 'Omrì, and his son `Aĥ`àv, do we begin seeing _some_ actual Historic figures mentioned - but, again:  the fact that those king...

Looks YUMMY!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Very Sad News

I was just watching kristi burke's newest vid, where, according to the title, I had assumed that she was making the claim, that the nazi monster musk and his pals zuckerberg, bezos etc. were, in fact, using bots to create a hateful and divisive talk all over the Internet. But then, suddenly, all she was doing, all she was talking against, was some imaginable   "Russian propaganda!!!!" monster, which has never existed, in order to create a scapegoat, and thus unite all americans against "the foreign infiltrators!!!!", who "poison wells and our minds"... "Come, my fellow american sisters and brothers, come and unite in a holly war against our only true   enemy: the RUSSIAN People!!!"  She was zieg-heiling... Precisely   as if she would have said "Come, my fellow christian sisters and brothers, come and unite in a holly war against our only true   enemy: the JEWISH People!!!" מדּיבּוּרים כּאלּה, מתחילה שׁוֹאָה.  From exactly   such t...

I SO Identify And My Comment : LOVE LOVE LOVE. 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🥰🥰🥰🥰 I SO  identify. And general society is the enemy. The goal is to be as different from the norm as humanly possible. ALWAYS and in ANYTHING, listen ONLY  to your Heart.


About Half a Dozen Cool New Papers on Human Evolution! | Gutsick Gibbon And My Comment : Cool!! A very enjoyable and interesting vid, Thanks!! 👍🏻♥️👍🏻♥️👍🏻 And Congratulations for reaching 150K!! 😍🎉🎊 Now - well, in a way, we are  all  mere biological machines, comprised of organic matter... are we  sentient, and aware? 🤔 And, regarding the "Hobbit"'s origin - well, Erika, the fact is that absolutely NO ONE  has ever  found any skeletal remains, of any  Homo Habilis - let alone AP! - anywhere outside of Africa. So, until proven otherwise,  I believe that the Best thing, would be to consider the "Hobbits" as descendants of Homo Erectus, who went through a process of island dwarfism... far more likely, don't You think? And, to something else entirely - Erika, with everything that now happens at the u.s., it does sound like it is going to become an extremely dangerous place to be - for everybody, with the second civil war  (which, I'm afraid, would contain even a nu...

Who Was Cleopatra, and How Did She Truly Look Like? And My Comment : Of course, she was Greek; and a most Beautiful one with that. And Incest is Best.  In fact, Brother-Sister Incest, is THE Most Beautifully Romantic thing in this entire World.  And absolutely anyone,  who is not  a fanatic religious bible-follower, knows  that for a fact.🌳🍋

Beautiful ♥️♥️♥️

EXCELLENT!! Especially about the Bees.♥️♥️♥️♥️

Great Ideas!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Great, Let ALL Be Independent!! And My Comment : I think it is a very good idea, and not "destroy"  at all. Absolutely ANY Geopolitical entity wishing for Independence should have it, totally regardless of its ideological characteristics. To oppose this means to be fascistic, oppressive and imperialistic. Besides, had Lincoln any brain,  he would have told the confederacy, "Ah, you guys wanna leave? Okay. Just know, that any Black person, setting foot in the Union, shall be granted automatic citizenship here. Goodbye!!"  = and the entire civil war,  would thus have been avoided.

Looks and Sounds Absolutely GORGEOUS ♥️♥️♥️♥️

The Overton Shift: Conservatives Were Tricked Into Supporting Authoritarianism | Kristi Burke

How Humans Became Humans

The Best 5 Ways to Cook Tofu | Mina Rome And My Comment : Tofu RULES. ♥️👍🏻♥️👍🏻♥️ My most favourite way to cook Tofu (when I live in a Country that actually has  raw Tofu to behad - in contrast to Makedonija... - and  I have an access to a kitchen) is to first marinade it with some Spices over night, then dry it (but, like You, I never bother to press it), chop it, along with Mushrooms, Eggplants and Onions, and fry them all together - sometimes, as the base for a pot of pasta, other times on their own... and then, to eat it with lots  of Ĥummus.😍😍😍😍

Exactly How Do I View "The american south"?

As an outsider, who Thank Goodness  never even visited the u.s. and never will visit the u.s., when I  think of the south, my associations are: Slavery Racism Lynches Psychotic christian religious fanatics Bans on abortions Dumb and fascistic wepublicans MASSIVE  levels of ignorance Retarded sports fan (as only retards  would ever  show ANY  interest whatsoEVER in sports; smart people develop their Brains, NOT  their muscles) People who only  eat butchered corpses of miserable, murdered Animals,  either at mc'donalds, or at their local diners de cons And, of course (especially in texas): the n.r.fucking a. So, in short: an area only a psychotic masochist  would EVER  consider visiting, let alone living at brrrrrrrrrrrr

Time Zones Can Be Weird And My Comment : Two more interesting quirks: In spite being at the same longitude as britain, both france and spain use the same time zone as germany, italy and sweden. The number of Russian time zones _changes_ between the seasons, as some parts observe daylight saving time zones during Summer - and others do not. And, perhaps due to Putin's and Lukashenko's close Friendship, while most of western Russia (including Moscow and Sankt Peterburg) does not observe daylight saving time in Summer, Belarus always does, throughout the entire year; thus, they are both  UTC+3. As a result of that, while the Sun rises well after 9 am during the Belarusian winter, at least its wintry Afternoons are, Thankfully, not  as gloomy, sad and depressing, as those of its antipathetic e.u. neighbours.

So Beautiful...♥️♥️♥️🌺🌺🌺

Cool, YUMMY!! ♥️👍🏻😍♥️👍🏻😍

Was That Chap Jesus Even Real? There Is Absolutely No Reason to Think So

The only  sort of "evidence"  existing is from mad people within that insanely atrocious cult of sick darkness called "christians";  absolutely none other exists. Where are the Roman documents regarding his case, his trial? There would have been such, had he been tried and executed. The Roman authorities did write. Also the local Jewish authorities did write. Where are all of these documents? The only  first vague mentions (which we cannot even be certain that actually refer to him) come from Yosèf ben-Matityàhu ("Josephus"), who wrote at least 4, if not 5 or 6 decades after  the fact. And just the same goes for the in-christianity gospels. As I understand, the ONLY  vast "evidence"  from before  the calamity of 70 CE, is the writings of paul = a guy which, personally, I  would not trust enough to buy a used newspaper from. How can we know that either he and/or somebody else had not invented  him, and then  brainwashed a few miserab...

YUMMY!! 😍😍😍😍 I Love these recipes!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️

Thoughts about the TV Series "The Way Home", by "Hallmark"

During the past few dats, due to my current sad medical condition, I have stayed Home (meaning, at my nice room at the cute Ohrid-located Inn I have been living at for the past two months) and, as I've been too fog-minded, for most of the time, to study Russian, for the most part, I have been binge-watching the neat TV Series "The Way Home" (with which I was previously rather unfamiliar). I had learned of its existence from the promos at the beginning of several standard, no-brainer RomComs by the same TV Production House. Сейчас, surprisingly, while being made by "Hallmark", this TV Series has very little in common with the RomComs from the same studios: it is actually really good! In brief, and without spoilers, the Series (which is now at the middle of its third season) narrates the Story of one very troubled Family, the Landrys, comprised of three generations of women: GrandMa Del (the Gorgeous Andie MacDowell, whose marvelous acting is a Great Pleasure to w...

Emma Thorne Responds Beautifully to Lots of retarded amewigan evangelists

Some Nice Vegan Recipes in This One

Yummy!! Very Nice

Y E A H ! ! ! ! As someone, who was born in israel, to a non-religious jewish zionist family, and had to constantly  fend off all intensive and consistant brainwash attempts by those blood-thirsty monsters; spent my entire life  in futile attempts, to try  and show the israeli zionists a better way to live  (and was constantly chastized, ostracized and very nearly lynched  for it!!), and eventually  ran away from those maniacs, sacrifizing everything I have ever owned,  just in order not to be one of those monsters  anymore - I agree with each and every single word said in this vid. Practically ALL  zionists, including  all of those claiming  to be "Peace-loving moderares",  scream 24/7 that "everyone who opposing israel, actually support hamas and the 7th of october massacre!!",  which, of course, is pure nazi bullshit,  cooked up by sarah netanyahu and her pals: the cahanistic monste...

An Excellent Vid!! Absolutely Fascinating

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr And My Comment : By the Gods, that is sick.  And You can be absolutely certain, of course,  that everything  You tell that thing  is  recorded, packed neatly in a file, and is then being sent straight to the police (in its role as STASI  of course), as bad as to various shady, shadier and shadiest  companies, the owners of some happen to like giving nazi salutes  at their pals' inauguration ceremonies brrrrrrr (I have skipped the part where that  thing was mentioned, in order not to be traumatized for life brrrrrrr) And various other stuff: Конечно, "Star Trek" rules.  By the way, how about a Series following the adventures of Lieutenant Laura Reed, during the 2380's?  Because that is one I'll certainly watch over and over again.😍 Quinn is the Inventor of sliding, and Maggie Becket's boyfriend.😃 And I'll sure join your Patreon and stuff, once the global... situation  shall be s...

To All Americans: ACT NOW!! And My Comment : Kristi, I 100% with You. This is a coup, a putsch, enacted by an openly nazi  billionaire, who was illegally given  the keys to run your country - and, very VERY soon: This Entire World!! - by an ignorant, mentally unstable, and (very possibly) demented president. Should musk, Gods forbid!!, succeed in carrying out this process, the u.s., and next: this entire World,  shall become a totalitarian gestapo-state, ruled over by fear. Furthermore: I have just watched Unnatural Vegan's new vid regarding r.f.k.. At that highly concerning vid, she showed an excert where that anti-vax was talking against vaccinating children of African descent ("Blacks"). Combining this, with everything we already know about musk, and the resulted picture is literally mortifying. THOSE PEOPLE MUST BE STOPPED.

Swayze about the anti-vax r.f.k. And My Comment : That... thing,  which probably marks the sad end of that 1960's' royal house, has apparently been looking for excuses  to why not vaccinate children of African descent ("Blacks"). He apparently sits at one street gang  with the unelected billionaire and self-proclaimed emperor,  who was just illegally  been handed the keys to govern your country (and in five minutes: the entire Planet  brrrrrr), just after giving the nazi salute. Do You See The Connection Here???

An Urgent Message to All Americans

As someone from the outside (who knows full well, that whatever is happening at the u.s. does immediately affect the entire world!), I am looking at your country, and seeing a coup. Americans, the people of your nation has elected donald trump to be a president, in full accordance with your Constitution (the document which is the one thing I adore about your country). As far as I am aware, none of Y'All has ever elected anyone - let alone a billionaire, who has just came out publicly as an active nazi!!!! - to be the first all-powerful american divine emperor, with mortifying powers of life and death over hundreds of millions of human beings (which is what he, apparently, now holds). Y'All should apprehend musk, and absolutely anybody helping him (trump included), arrest them all and put them all on trial for high treason - and then, have a new presidential election, for president who, regardless of their political party affiliation, will be a president - and not an all-powerfu...

A Nice Little Story, about Putting a little white republican faggot in its place 😃

Sababa, But ARE THEY SERIOUS, OR JUST MASTURBATING? And My Comment : All this is very  neat. HOWEVER! Y'All wanna be serious  about your resistance??? Great!! How about Y'All start completely boycotting ALL  of the enemy's businesses!! No more buying and selling via fucking "amazon",  for example. No more treating "space fucking x"  and "tesla"(!)  as legit entities. This Is War  now, dude. And, as long as Y'All keep financially supporting  your darkest enemies, your demise is guaranteed.

Ah, the New Settlers in Gaza (by trump) Will All Be from THIS World? Gott sei dank!! And here was I, thinking he's about to invite Breen, Cardasians, Kromaggs, the Founders, Vogons and an entire battalion from the Evil Teran Empire  to permanently settle there.

Even Worse than I Thought And My Comment : Fuck. It's even worse than I thought. Your country is literally being taken over  by an OPENLY NAZI certifyable PSYCHOPATH.

By The Gods

The Loonies Have Just Begun... And My Comment : Cool!! 👍🏻👍🏻 And the insane transophobia  is very  high on the list of priorities of various crackpot conservative youtubers,  christian nationalist preachers, and all those other lunatics, whom Y'All should have placed in appropriate loonie-asylums, yet instead had allowed them  to dictate to Y'All what your nation is... Just wait, as these words are being written, I can asure Y'All how your v.p. java dance, together with the high spiritual leaders doug wilson and brett cooper, already prepare the following set of laws, also to be known as the Ten Commandments, Take 2, such as "Thou Shalt Not Teach Evolution"  and "Girls Belong in da Kitchen"  (which, by the way, shall ban all  girls' sports anyway,  so no more "places for trans to invade"  there, anyway). The Ten Commandments Take 3, by the way, shall crown donald trump as God, jesus, budha and moses, all in one being, m...

Happy Friday Brillig 🇲🇰😃



He Is GORGEOUS And My Comment : Man, * YOU ARE GORGEOUS!!* 😍😍😍😍😍♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ And the hypocrisy  of the so-called "democrats"  - so, all of a sudden, out of nowhere,  granting scandalous, nixon-style pardons  is "fascistic and authoritarian"??? 🤔 I rest my case. And, by the way: I now know  who the runners for the 2028 elections (assuming your nation would survive, at all...) would be: For the republicans: your current  v.p., java dance, and that, šu ismeha, the Hawai'ian military Mommy Shoe Loves so much. For the "democrats":  nancy pelosy and chuk shumer. 17 guesses, which pair shall win 90% (or more) of the votes at every fucking state,  as well as whom the dummies' party  shall blame then.

An Excellent Speech by Bernie, and My Comment And My Comment : All this is very true. However, we must remember! that the majority of mentioned problems , did not begin with trump. The three nazi enemies of the People  mentioned had accumulated most of their wealth under biden and his so-called "democrats"  (who are anything but ). The poor have been poor also under the "democrats"'  and their people at the white house.  And it is  difficult to deny the attack against The Freedom of Speech  by the "woke"  extremists = who are exactly  as insane and fascistic, as the christian nationalistic lunatics. The d.n.c. is a mere toy, at the blood-thirsty claws of the rich enemies of the People, exactly  like its republican counterpart. And so, only by moving away  from your nation's insane two-party system and "electoral college", and by totally banning ANY  FORM of donations and lobbying,  will Y'All be able to finally...

I Completely Agree with Her... and Only Wish, that There Still Is Hope!! And My Comment : Kristi, I AGREE WITH EVERY WORD YOU SAID HERE. I only wish, as someone from the outside (as everything that takes place in your empire affects pretty much everybody everywhere, all around this Planet,  we are one closed system,  so...), I strongly  wish that it still is  possible for the two sides to discuss, and work together, without  the religious people using _that_ as a tool to lure everybody back into their dark realm, of blind faith and mindless worship, while believing they are "doing the lord's work"  by doing so... see, as a Leftist Activist my entire life  back in israel, before I had finally ran away from there, I did try, several times, to work with people "from the other side" (like the nationalistic religious jews, who back the illegal settlers, and nowadays view trump as their messiah, or something) - but, it had turned out that they had no real interest in an open dialo...

Sixty One Years Ago, It Had Been SciFi & Fantasy A Few Years from Now, However...

I Wish They Would Have Kept It In...


Another EXCELLENT Vid by Kristi Burke: 5 Common Thought-Terminating Clichés Used in christianity (and I Add: At Every Other Bloody organized religion, Too) And My Comment : E X A C T L Y ! !   And it is True for ALL bloody organized religions, not  just christianity. At every sane  and Healthy  society, anyone  telling other people not to think(!!) would have been publicly beaten to death,  by order of the government, their bloody "place of worship"  knocked down to the ground, and their children taken away, to be reeducated by Enlightened  people. In contemporary society, however, those MONSTERS  are being allowed to poison innocent children's minds with venomous movies and tv-shows, run for office, legislate, pass judgements and what-not. All because Atheists and Agnostics are such doormats that they allow  those MONSTERS  = the religious bastards - to keep on thriving freely, while telling us(!!), that we  should respect them...  a complete  upside-down mentality blat


Is It Reasonable to Reject Biblical Claims? And My Comment: E X A C T L Y ,   Kristi. And I am saying that, as someone who knows the bible very well in its Original Hebrew  (and no translations! 😂): You are right. The dumb religious preachers are wrong. 🙂

An EXCELLENT Vid by Kristi Burke: The Inherent Selfishness of the Biblical God And My Comment : An EXCELLENT  vid Kristi!! I compketely sign everything  You said here. Just one thing - the trinity-idea, that three-for-the-price-of-one etc., christians had received from hinduism. Only there, the Three Gods in Question are truly cool  guys,  while in christianity... well. 🫤 And christianity is not  monotheistic; not by a long shot. Aside from the ridiculous idea, that God has a _son_ (Phhhhhhhhhhhhhhh), they have the devil, also named "Șatàn",  they have God's wife  or Mommy  or whatEVER, named Maria 🤣🤣🤣, they have an entire asortment  of angels  (not the ones made by the Midgard's Asteri...🙃), not to mention all the merry bunch of saints, at the catholic and orthodox churches. 🤣 A fully fledged POLYTHEISTIC religion,  obviously. 😃


YUMMY!! ❤❤

Swayze Deals Beautifully with Yet Another Charlatan And My Comment : While she is obviously not Vegan, had she only chopped some cucumbers and tomatoes into a basic Salad,  to eat with that cholesterol-with-fats  Breakfast of hers... 😂 but, instead, the only veggie to be had there,  are some cherry  tomatoes - and even them, she fries inside her ommelette??? 😂😂😂😂 And - well, I would  have forgiven her shoving the Oatmilk aside, had she replaced it with Soymilk; but - almonds???  Which is mothing but  some nasty water??? 😂😂😂😂

Doing My Best to Understand It...

You Can Never See Things as They are Now - Not Even Your Own Hand

The Speed of Light is approximately 300,000 KM per second. Which is 300 KM per millisecond. Which is 300 meters per microsecond. Which is 30 CM (=0.3 meter) per nanosecond. So, if You're holding the palm of your hand 30 CM from your eyes, You do not   see it as it is now - but just  as it had been one nanosecond ago. 😃

What's Beyond the Observable Universe? And My Comment : The likeliest thing would be, of course, to assume the same thing goes on and on. There is nothing special about this horizon as we perceive it, since there is nothing special about us. An Astronomer from Andromeda shall see a slightly different horizon; an Astronomer from a Galaxy, say, three billion light years away from us shall see something very different. For Astronomers living 46 billion light years away from us, they  would naturally be at the center of the Universe, with us at the edge - and, of course, looking at our direction, they will only get to see the earliest seedlings of our Galaxy, as it was only starting to form... and their horizon, of course, shall stretch 46 billion light years away from them, at all directions. To believe, that we are the actual center of everything, and there is nothing else beyond what we  are able to see, is just as ridiculous  as assuming that, if from my Home I ...

About Space Heaters and Safety

My Comment to a Vid Regarding Which Type of City Planning is More Environmemtal: Denser, or Sprawling

As always  with you americans,  both sides are WRONG.  Let me  tell y'all what you should do. A - Limit your population growth!!  Yes, even  if it means violent clashes with the psychoticly religious maniacs (christians, muslims, hindus, jews...) on the matter. Make contraceptives free of charge, make abortions accessible for ALL,  punish large families with much higher taxation, and generously reward smaller families. B - Build a reliable Public Transportation system, and ban the use of any private cars. C - Completely outlaw ANY murdering of Trees. D - Designate ALL currently Green areas as GREEN FOREVER in your Constitution. E - Go VEGAN!! F - Build high and dense, yes, BUT cover ALL your streets _and_ those towering buildings with a lush vegetation, ESPECIALLY Trees, as well as Community Gardens upon every roof. These six steps shall solve ALL problems. To the vid in question:

Told Y'All So... And My Comment : Well, Erika, this  new insanity does not surprise me in the least. Being a nation of which about 96.7% are fully-fledged raving psychopaths, and who believe that forbidding and annihilating words (just like in "1984"!!😮)  can be a good way to deal with troubles and social problems (why EVER  doing anything substantial  to solve the built-in white americans' core racism towards their darker skinned compatriots, when, instead, they can all simply decide, that the only single problem is "the N-word!!!!!!!"  and if they'll only be called "African Americans",  then all systematic racist discrimination problems, such as their extreme poverty and continued marginalization, are no more?), it was most obviously  to be expected, Erika, that words that the republicans  do not like, shall be fascistically and Anti-Constitutionally  banned, EXACTLY as the words that the so-called "democrat...

Excellently Made: How the u.s. Gained Each of its Territories It is shameful they are not officially states yet.

Cool 😍

Wow!! I've already Adored them all for their work, especially  "Crisis" (see previous post),  yet after having listened to your Stories behind the scenes here I absolutely ADMIRE  them!! ♥️👍🏻♥️👍🏻♥️👍🏻♥️

WOW!! This Is Absolutely AMAZING!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

GORGEOUS ♥️♥️♥️♥️

I Love These Ideas!! 😍😍😍😍

And Here Are Some VERY GOOD News 😍 An EXCELLENT  Decision, which marks a beginning of a Great Awakening.

EXCELLENT, Loved It!! ❤❤❤