About Half a Dozen Cool New Papers on Human Evolution! | Gutsick Gibbon
And My Comment:
Cool!! A very enjoyable and interesting vid, Thanks!! 👍🏻♥️👍🏻♥️👍🏻
And Congratulations for reaching 150K!! 😍🎉🎊
Now - well, in a way, we are all mere biological machines, comprised of organic matter... are we sentient, and aware? 🤔
And, regarding the "Hobbit"'s origin - well, Erika, the fact is that absolutely NO ONE has ever found any skeletal remains, of any Homo Habilis - let alone AP! - anywhere outside of Africa. So, until proven otherwise, I believe that the Best thing, would be to consider the "Hobbits" as descendants of Homo Erectus, who went through a process of island dwarfism... far more likely, don't You think?
And, to something else entirely - Erika, with everything that now happens at the u.s., it does sound like it is going to become an extremely dangerous place to be - for everybody, with the second civil war (which, I'm afraid, would contain even a nuclear element) coming, but especially for You.
Perhaps run away to a safer place, while You still can?
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