Y E A H ! ! ! !


As someone, who was born in israel, to a non-religious jewish zionist family, and had to constantly fend off all intensive and consistant brainwash attempts by those blood-thirsty monsters; spent my entire life in futile attempts, to try and show the israeli zionists a better way to live (and was constantly chastized, ostracized and very nearly lynched for it!!), and eventually ran away from those maniacs, sacrifizing everything I have ever owned, just in order not to be one of those monsters anymore - I agree with each and every single word said in this vid.

Practically ALL zionists, including all of those claiming to be "Peace-loving moderares", scream 24/7 that "everyone who opposing israel, actually support hamas and the 7th of october massacre!!", which, of course, is pure nazi bullshit, cooked up by sarah netanyahu and her pals: the cahanistic monsters. The slaughter, carried out by hamas murderers against israeli civilians on the 7th of october 2023, was an atricious war crime, and all the people behind it should have been publicly tried and either executed, or spend the entire rest of their lives in prison. But the EXACT same goes for absolutely ALL israeli soldiers and politicians, in or out of uniforms, who carried out the slaughters of january 2009, july-august 2014, may 2021, and, of course, that recent genocide.

None of them should ever be allowed to walk free again.

Also: it is extremely easy (and perfectly serves the purpose of the vile and blood-thirsty fascist party, calling itself "the democrats", while being absolutely anything but), to yell "trump!!!! It is all because of evil trump!!!!"

However, not trump had been the american president, WHO BACKED ISRAHELL ALL ALONG ITS MURDEROUS WAY, throughout THIS ENTIRE GENOCIDE.

That had been biden, with gleeful harris by his side, and the entire street gang called "the democrats" backing them without any hint of question.

It is very very important to forEVER remember that.

Сейчас - here is my Peace Plan for the Middle-East - I would Love to know your opinion about it:

1. Israel shall be forced to immediately and unconditionally withdraw back to the 1949-1967 ceasefire line, and de-facto recognised international border ("The Green Line") with the Palestinians (the exact line EVERYWHERE, with no deviations and no exceptions), and the recognised international border with Syria, removing ALL settlers and ALL military forces from ALL the evacuated territories.

2. All the buildings and infrastructure built and layed there, shall be given to the Palestinians, at the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, and to the Syrians, at the Golan Heights.

3. The Palestinian Sovereignity and Independence, with East Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital city, shall be officially recognised by all World Countries, including Israel.

4. The Israeli capital city shall permanently move to the city of Tel Aviv.

5. The Israeli military forces shall hence forth be limited to 10,000 soldiers, carrying only light weapons, with no artillery, no drones, no tanks and no airforce.

6. Palestine shall be Free to build the armed force needed for its protection from any future threat.

7. Israel shall pay compensations, the sum of which shall be dictated by the United Nations' Security Council, to Palestine and its people, for the slaughters and genocide carried out by its forces against Gaza during the barbarous attacks on june - july 2006, december 2008 - january 2009, august 2012, july - august 2014, may 2021, and october 2023 - [?].

8. Palestine shall pay compensations, the sum of which shall be dictated by the United Nations' Security Council, to Israel and its people, for the slaughter on october 2023.



11. The Palestinian Refugees' Sacred Right of ACTUAL Return to their Ancestral Lands shall be enforced.

12. Israel shall abolish each and every one of its laws and customs preventing Equal Rights from its non-Jewish citizens, and shall be redefined as a Modern State, which EQUALLY belongs to ALL its citizens.

13. Israel shall acknowledge its full and sole responsibility to all the atrocities of the naqba, and shall compensate the descendants of its victims, according to the German-Israeli Precedence.

14. Israel shall become subjected to a special international committee, to ensure its full and unconditional adherence to ALL the terms of this Peace Deal. Any Israeli refusal to fully cooperate, shall cause the cancellation of its sovereignity and the loss of its independence.

15. ALL political parties opposing to the Peace Treaty shall never be allowed to take any part at the elections, in both Israel and Palestine.

16. Absolutely ALL foreign soldiers, "military advisors" etc. shall exit Syria immediately, never to return.

17. Kurdistan shall become fully Independent, and officially recognised by ALL World Contries, at its full and complete borders.

18. Turkey shall properly compensate Kurdistan and its people for its crimes against them, including the crime of illegally invading Rojava on september 2019.

19. ALL sanctions, against both Syria and Iran, shall be immediately lifted.

20. ALL borders, ALL ACROSS THE MIDDLE EAST, shall be permanently open, ensuring free transport of people and goods.


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