Thoughts about the TV Series "The Way Home", by "Hallmark"

During the past few dats, due to my current sad medical condition, I have stayed Home (meaning, at my nice room at the cute Ohrid-located Inn I have been living at for the past two months) and, as I've been too fog-minded, for most of the time, to study Russian, for the most part, I have been binge-watching the neat TV Series "The Way Home" (with which I was previously rather unfamiliar). I had learned of its existence from the promos at the beginning of several standard, no-brainer RomComs by the same TV Production House.

Сейчас, surprisingly, while being made by "Hallmark", this TV Series has very little in common with the RomComs from the same studios: it is actually really good! In brief, and without spoilers, the Series (which is now at the middle of its third season) narrates the Story of one very troubled Family, the Landrys, comprised of three generations of women: GrandMa Del (the Gorgeous Andie MacDowell, whose marvelous acting is a Great Pleasure to watch), her Daughter Kat (Chyler Leigh) and Kat's Daughter Alice (Sadie Laflamme-Snow). Divorcing her husband Brady (Al Mukadam), and having just received a letter from her Mother Del, with whom she hadn't talked for sixteen years, Minneapolis-dwelling Kat decides, in September 2023(?), to take her troubled fifteen-year-old Daughter with her, and go back together to her Mother at Port Haven, New Branswick, Canada, in order to try and reconnect, and become a Family again.

What broke their Family apart had been two tragedies: back on october 1999, Kat's little Brother, nine-year-old Jacob (Remy Smith), went missing, and all attempts to find him had failed; and only three months later, the Loving Husband and Father, Colton (Jefferson Brown), was killed in a car crush.

Upon coming back, Kat and Alice meet the next door neighbour, and Kat's childhood Best Friend, cool Nerd Elliot Augustine (Evan Williams), who is also the Science Teacher at Alice's new school.

Alice, who at first has a hard time adjusting to rural life, happens to jump to a nearby natural pond, nearly drowns - and is then saved by a cute teenage girl, who present herself as Kat Landry.

Her own Mother.

Since, as it turns out, the said pond is, in a fact, magical - and, by jumping into it, Alice had travelled more than two whole decades into the past, back to early summer of 1999 = her Family's last happy summer, as it turns out. There, besides the teenage version of her Mother, she also meet little Jacob, her still young and happy GrandParents, and an insecure and shy teenage nerd Elliot.

The Series' premise, however, is the erroneous assumption, that "as there is only one single Universe, and everything is pre-determined, you can never change the past". But it is, most clearly, a mistake, since, according to Quantum Mechanics (and as shown at the Double Slit Experiment NEARLY A CENTURY AGO!!), OUR UNIVERSE IS ONLY ONE OF COUNTLESS!! I had once rad, in dact, that the mumber is estimated to be Infinite in the Power of Infinite, and that was more than twenty years ago; current Science, if I am not mistaken, estimates a much higher number of Possible Universes, ALL of which are EXACTLY as "real", as our own.

So, Scientifically speaking, each and every single travel to the past, is bound to change the present, whether the traveler had intended for it, or not.

Thus, from the Scientific Point of View, the Series "The Way Home" is wrong.

Never the less, it is Delightful to watch, and I thus HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT.😍


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