Is the Hebrew Bible Historically Accurate?
And My Comment:
The bible is fiction. It is a collection of Fantasy Legends, a few of which might mention an actual Historical incidence (in "Kings" B, nothing earlier than that), but even this, is completely being coloured by the narrator of the Story's ideological aims and goals.
All the "main" characters, such as Adàm, Ĥavà, Nò`aĥ, the Patriarchs & Matriarchs, Yoséf, Mošè, Šmu`él, Ša`ùl, Davìd, Šlomòh, Ěliyàhu etc. had never existed. Many people love jumping up and down and yell "Thel Dan Thel Dan", however Thel Dan does only prove that, By the mid 9th Century BCE, the kings of Yehudà were telling the World how, over an entire century earlier, they had an ancient ancestor named Davìd, who had started off their dynasty; and absolutely NOTHING besides.😃
Only from 'Omrì, and his son `Aĥ`àv, do we begin seeing _some_ actual Historic figures mentioned - but, again: the fact that those kings were real, does not mean, that the Stories about them are... 😎
And the identity of the original authors of most of the chunk of the Books from "deutronomy" to "Kings B" is pretty clear: it is the temple priests, who pushed for more power. But, of course, to further validate and "strengthen" their points, they had integrated lots of ancient, earlier folk legends into it, and, during the Centuries that followed, countless Authors and Editors, had adapted the text, over and over again... 🙂
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