My Thoghts in Dark of the germ(an) Bloody election's results Blat

OBVIOUSLY, THE STASI KNEW WHAT THEY WERE DOING, AND WHY. The election-results, giving the fucking neo-nazis more votes, than the Left and the greens combined, prove what I, for one, have realized already by mid-June 2014 (which was why I turned and ran a hell away from there, as fast as I possibly could): that the germ(an)s have never changed, nor would they ever change. That the entire "different, humanistic, enlightened and accepting germany" was NOTHING, but a sham. And that it had only been a matter of time, until FULLY-FLEDGED NEO-NAZIS shall come to power, once again, at ALL germ(an)ic & nordic languages speaking lands. Since, genetically speaking, nazism is their natural state of being.

And: Merz said he hoped to form a new government by Easter, April 20, 2025...

So as to celebrate adolf hitler's birthday!!!! By swearing in the new nazi government of the renewed germ(an) reich...

So, I had originally assumed, that it would happen, already, by 2021; perhaps covid had slightly delayed that crush, I don't know - anyway, the most important thing here, is that once again, reality has proven me right.

Nice face have all the people, who, all throughout the shambled 2010's, had ran away from one nazi country (israhell) to another, tragically delluding themselves that they had actually come to some Good and Enlightened Leftist Haven, or A Prosperous Promised Land (milki and all). As these include several of the most Intelligent human beings I have ever known, most chances are they either have already ran away from there, or are currently in the important process of actively doing so; and, their only question, in every likelihood, is: WHERE CAN WE POSSIBLY RUN AWAY TO???

So, Dear Leftist Friends, please allow me to offer Y'All a solution, a good and DECENT Land to Peacefully live at: in my beLoved ♥️Belarus🇧🇾♥️ there is never any danger of bloody neo-nazis ever taking over, since they simply cannot run in the first place. The Belarusian people are good, Loving and kind folk, and, if there's ever any psychopath (as there might always be, at any human society), he or she is literally unable to do any actual harm, since there is a President, who takes the appropriate care to prevent that. So, while all the entire rest of the European Continent, is falling victim, one nation after another, to billionaires-backed neo-nazis, even during this darkest of all times, still nonetheless, ♥️Belarus🇧🇾♥️ is safe.

And, well, all that remains for us all to lament is that how sad it is, that the Berlin Wall did not fall at the opposite direction, properly annexing the corrupted, pro-nazi, imperialistic, fascistic, racist and plutocratic west, to the good, Enlightened and Marxistic-Leninistic East!!


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