My Comment to a Vid Regarding Which Type of City Planning is More Environmemtal: Denser, or Sprawling

As always with you americans, both sides are WRONG. Let me tell y'all what you should do.

A - Limit your population growth!! Yes, even if it means violent clashes with the psychoticly religious maniacs (christians, muslims, hindus, jews...) on the matter. Make contraceptives free of charge, make abortions accessible for ALL, punish large families with much higher taxation, and generously reward smaller families.

B - Build a reliable Public Transportation system, and ban the use of any private cars.

C - Completely outlaw ANY murdering of Trees.

D - Designate ALL currently Green areas as GREEN FOREVER in your Constitution.

E - Go VEGAN!!

F - Build high and dense, yes, BUT cover ALL your streets _and_ those towering buildings with a lush vegetation, ESPECIALLY Trees, as well as Community Gardens upon every roof.

These six steps shall solve ALL problems.

To the vid in question:


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