I Completely Agree with Her... and Only Wish, that There Still Is Hope!!
And My Comment:
I only wish, as someone from the outside (as everything that takes place in your empire affects pretty much everybody everywhere, all around this Planet, we are one closed system, so...), I strongly wish that it still is possible for the two sides to discuss, and work together, without the religious people using _that_ as a tool to lure everybody back into their dark realm, of blind faith and mindless worship, while believing they are "doing the lord's work" by doing so... see, as a Leftist Activist my entire life back in israel, before I had finally ran away from there, I did try, several times, to work with people "from the other side" (like the nationalistic religious jews, who back the illegal settlers, and nowadays view trump as their messiah, or something) - but, it had turned out that they had no real interest in an open dialogue, or in working together as equals, but, rather, to make us lower our guards, and insidiously pulling us into their faith - both religious, and political... by mumbling "come, let's meet in our synagogue, come respect us here, come, pray with us, come, do the Shabbath with us, see, historically, there was not a problem, of culture fights between religious and seculars, they were all religious"...
I am sorry, I am not trying to quentch your Hope, I wish that You will be successful, I am only telling You to be very, very cautious.
There are radicals and extremists on both sides, the woke on one end, the christian nationalists on the other, both, obeying their billionaires-serving operators, trying to oppress and trample upon as many people as they possibly can, via Divide and Concquer - but they are clever. They know how to move the masses, by pushing sensitive buttons such as "abortions", or "public toilets", as they know how these buttons are bound to make the majority of both sides to jump willfully into buttle, and take up arms against "The Others". 😢
I only wish that there is Hope still. Because it is not just You, not just the third-billion-americans, whose fate is at stake, but this Entire Planet, with EVERYONE living upon it.
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