
Showing posts from April, 2024

The Homo Naledi Plot Thickens... A Brand New Vid by Erika And My Comment : Very interesting. I would like to propose some maybe  optional(?) explanations to that - and would really  Love to know Your opinion regarding them... since after all, You  are the expert. First, regarding the chronological snapshot the "Rising Star" cave findings give us - might it be possible, that Homo Naledi was, in fact, the first  member of genus Homo, evolving from AP more than three million years earlier, and what we see, is actually its sun setting, after three million years of existence? Now, regarding the subject being discussed here: what if, some day, a group of Homo Naledi Family members - perhaps all-male hunters, or perhaps all-female fertile women? - was horrified by an harrassing group of *the* most violent species of beings they have ever encountered... they have come across that brutal, vicious group of sophisticated mass-killers  before, when it decimated their Family group to...


Very Beautiful❤️❤️❤️❤️

ה ל ו ו א י . . .

הלוואי, שלא היו גבולות לאומיים בכלל... כלומר, לא כמגבלה. הלוואי, ש כל העולם היה קונפדרציה אחת, בין מדינות שונות במהותן, ה מכבדות זו את זו ואינן מנסות לשנות, האחת את רעותה... אז חלק דמוקרטיות וחלק דיקטטורות, חלק מלוכות וחלק רפובליקות, חלק דוסיות (מ כל דת שהיא ) וחלק אתאיסטיות... אז מה? כולן חלק, מקונפדרציית האדם... ואז = ממש כשם, שתושב טקסס או אלבמה, החפץ להתגורר במדינה נורמאלית יותר, חופשי לחלוטין לעבור לאורגון, למשל ולחיות ולעבוד שם, או תושב בוואריה, חופשי בהחלט לעבור לחיות ולעבוד בברלין = אני הייתי חופשי, לעבור לחיות ולעבוד בבלארוס, או בצ'כיה, או ב כל מקום שהוא...

Elina's Winter in Mongolia

So Beautiful!! ❤❤❤❤


Very Beautiful ❤❤❤

Cool! Erika Talks about the World's Oldrst Cooking Site, at Gesher Bnoth Ya'aqov

Cool and Interesting: Did Bipedalism Evolve in the Trees?

My Comment to a GARBAGE youtube channel (of some wepublican, Most Likely), Called "star buzz tv", Who Uploaded a Crappy movie, and Then, Like The faggot he IS, Blocked the Ability to Comment There...

I'm only at the beginning of this film, however that no-good "musician"  sounds like a real scumbag. Who ever the fuck just creates children, without ever caring  for them??? Is he a lizard  or a fish,  who just fertilizes some eggs and then runs away??? A REAL  Man does everything  to dedicate his entire Life  to raising his kids!! Or else he's no man at all. 😡😡😡😡 And I COULD FUCKINGLY HAVE DONE WITHOUT  THAT HITLERISTIC NRA ADD FOR THE ABOMINATION CALLED "AGE OF ORIGINS", WHICH IS OBVIOUSLY MEANT FOR TURNING CHILDREN INTO FUCKING MASS-MURDERERS (PAR AMEWICAN IDEOLOGY  BLAT) BRUTALLY CUTTING INTO THE MOVIE!!!!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡😡 Advertising should be declared to be a capital offense  blat. And now, the sound  was cut off. Well, that's it. I'm through  with your sad "channel". ================================== To the sad film, in case you wanna be disgusted yourself, too:


And, beyond these three: THE MORE = THE BETTER. But, for the very least, absolutely everyone   MUST possess the ability to converse at these three, as they are the three leading ones at the World today. And, beyond it, of course it is a very   good idea to know French, Japanese, Spanish, Bahasa, Arabic, Persian, German, Portuguese, or any other Language really = the more the better. Also from the "dead" Languages = Latin, Sanskrit, Akkadian, Ancient Greek, Sumerian... At the World today, most alte sachen people, can barely comprehend even the simplest(!) sentence, at ANY Language, other than their own mother tongue (and that is besides the fact that, of course, the vast majority of specimens from this sad species cannot even articulate themselves in that!!). Most younger humans, might somehow be stuttering several broken sentences at one other tongue - and that is fucking it!! 😮🥺 On a World so fucking connected, by the Internet etc., people do STILL LIMIT THEMSELVES to THEI...

לבברויסק מזמור שיר 🙃

יש יונים שמבינות עברית, אולי יש אנשים, שלא מתים... חפש בבלארוסיה. יש ארמון ברחוב הוויקוב, אין נסיכה אצלי בחדר אין שלג באפריקה! חפש בבלארוסיה. ואני, מחכה כאן לשווא, לקבל אשרה ללמד שפות כאן, בבברויסק שבבלארוסיה. לא נוצרי, לא יהודי, אפילו לא הארי קרשנה עם עבר ייזידי, סתם מאוהב בבלארוסיה.

A Interesting Vid about a Russian Neighbourhood by Natti And My Comment : Interestingly, from what I've noticed both in actual strolls I've taken in various countries, and from a wide variety of YouTube vids, practically all  post-soviet neighbourhoods, look exactly  the same... defined by one single plan, probably created at the central office of the party  in Moscow, at the high times of the u.s.s.r.... I Love  Bakeries. They always have Corassons. 🥐❤️😃 The Cakes look totally YUMMY  - and their prices are so cheap!!  I would be visiting that bakery daily, at least. 😃 You look absolutely GORGEOUS.  You don't need to change anything at all. That "ozon" thingy  are the ones from all those awful ads here in YouTube - and anyone  making any  YouTube ads I do not like at all. 🤨😎 A very interesting vid; and waiting to see one about the prettier buildings' area soon! 😃

Very Beautiful ❤❤❤❤

Nice!! ❤️❤️

Cool!! ❤❤❤ And the pan dish looks especially  YUMMY.


A Very Beautiful New Song by Anna Manyonak ❤❤


Where The Gods Met


I So Identify...😢 And My Comment : Dear Lisa, I * so* understand and identify - having left my original homeland last year, and not being able to even dream of going back there again (well, I do have many dreams, at which I am among the bloody zionazis again... they are all * nightmares,* which throw my soul into the darkest place), and having experienced a horrible trauma at the hands of the _polaks_ merely a few months ago, I sometimes get thrown away back to my worst time ever, feeling, like, I'm back in _that_ despicable e.u. country... the worst time of my entire life, being  I cannot write about it. However, my point is: *I completely understand what You've been going through. * And now, needing to leave beLoved ❤Belarus🇧🇾💔, I am planning to go to Russia - as, not only politically, I strongly prefer Russia, over the west ("not democratic enough"? There *is* no real Democracy on Planet Earth, most certainly not in the west,...

Интересно, Почему (или Верну Розовый Цвет)

Никогда я немог понимать, почему, в то время как девушки могут носить всё Красивые цвета, мы, ребята, по какой-то неизвестной причине, ограничен какой, по моему мнению, соответствующий [Алла ху акбар, что- то эта слова???] Только похороны: черный, серый, хаки (бррррррррррр), темно-синий...🤢 Почему это, они могут выглядишь Прекрасно, мы бым принужденным всегда (!!!) выглядишь будто идём для отдать последнее почтение до кто-то?? Мож быт это феминистичкая конспирация, чтобы сделать нас всегда грустный? РАССЛЕДОВАТЬ СЕЙЧАС . 🙃 Главные подозреваемые: ангела меркэль и хиларий клинтон. 🤪     Фотографый: Я, отказываясьпринять воль-стрита.🤨

He Is Absolutely Right!! And, furthermore - thirty, or fourty years ago, the fascist and authoritarian  governments of the bloody english-speaking countries  weren't keeping a "1984"-style big brother watchful eye  on their citizens - and a man could watch whatever bloody porn he wished to,  without having any christian femiNAZIS and bloody bolshevics (calling themselves "social activists"  blat) teaming up with the modern christian inquisition  to actively hunt snd destroy  him, for Peacefully enjoying and privately savouring the marvelous  sight of Lovely and Beautiful children giving sweet Sexual Pleasure  to each other...

Do You Believe Wikipedia?

You shouldn't . 😎

About The Future LARGER Hedron Collider That new collider has  to be built - and, if western countries are no longer up to the task, let's have the Chinese  building it, and properly humbling the white  civilization, instead. And ANYONE  even breathing out the words "money"  and "expenses",  as a lame and utterly pathetic  excuse  why not, should be wildly  confronted with all the bloody TRILLIONS  on dollars,  being poured each and every single year  by the imperialistic west (the u.s., the u.k., turkey, france, germany, isra hell ...), on new and more deadly means to SLAUGHTER OTHER HUMAN BEINGS. It is  hightime to fully demilitarize  humanity - and to invest ALL  that money in scientific research. RIGHT NOW.

אז היום פסח. כמה טוב לי ונחמד, שאני מתגורר בארץ משוללת-תיאוקראטיות

שו-אסמהה ההיא, נו, השרה/סגנית-שר - המעיזה להתכנות בשם הפרטי, החביב והאהוב עלי ביותר מבין השמות העבריים - עם שהיא מכסה, את ראשה ה ריק , בסמרטוטי-רצפה ושהביאה, תכל'ס, לנפילת ממשלת ה לא-היה-שם-שום-שינוי-אמיתי, כאשר, לפני שנתיים בלתי- תמימות, צרחה ש "חובה" למנוע הכנסת חמוץ, לבתי-חולים ומתוק, לבתי-בריאים? אז, איך שיהיה - פה, בבלארוס, תודה ללוקשנקו אין אחת כזאת. 😃 כאן , שום אידיוט שחום ו מתחלש, שהאבולוציה השאירה בשלב-האוסטראלופיתק, אינו עלול לעשות בי לינץ', הוא וחבריו ה סרוחים עמו, כי אכלתי סמביץ' ברחוב, או משו כזה. כאן, אין ממלמלי-מלמולים, המאיימים לרמוס את כל היקר, לציבור החופשי השפוי והמסמורטט, תוך דרישה ש "יכבדו אותם" - עם שכמובן, אינם חולמים בלילה, אפילו, לכבד הציבור ה "כופר" בחזרה... וכאן, גם אין סמרטוטי-רצפה משת"פיים, א-לה-"מרצ", חד"ש והמפלגה ה אבודה, ה משתיקים את חבריהם הזועמים, במלמולי "צריך שלום-באייס, עם מאמיני חבר דמיוני בעננים"... שלא תבינו לא נכון - עם אנשים, המאמינים במוחמד, בישו או במשה רבנו, ככאלה, אין ...


I Feel the Same Way ❤❤❤❤

Мой Родной Город, Который Имя Нельзя Написать по-Русский

Я никогда чнова вид мой оригинальный город, Re`hovoth (רחובות), который двадцать километер из Тел-Авив ест. Там я был рожден, большинство мой жив там жил, и ещё помню эти дни, когда Цитрусовые Растения окруженныли это, и большые Фикусовые Деревья затениди то улицих.

Swayze Deals with a Dangerous Cult Leader And My Comment : Right at the beginning of the vid : Look Swayze, I  am 48; I'll be 49 this July. I am old😉, now I do  look much younger than my real age, Thanks to both Veg(etari)anism and  Excellent genes on my Mother side. However, as can easily be seen through watching my various vids, I do have my share of grey (even white!!) hairs, mostly in my beLoved beard, but also on my head, I do have my share of wrinkles... so: either this guy lies about his age, or(?)  he lies about "natural hair, natural skin blablabla". 😂 And, after and while watching it all : Swayze, this creature is FAAAAAAAAAAR WORSE  than Freelee's ever  been. 02:12 - How many ESSENTIAL  Proteins  are in Berries? 🤔 😂 02:17 - Gods, what a CROOK. 02:31 - Being ill is "getting better"? Hmmm. And war is Peace  and  lies are Truth?? 03:18 - "The Journey of Detox"  is a serious  competitor to "Channel the Univers...

An EXCELLENT Presentation: How Do We KNOW Lucy (Australopithecus Afarensis) Was BIPEDAL?

Very Interesting

BEAUTIFUL ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yesterday by the River



Beautiful ❤❤❤❤

YUM!! ❤❤❤

Looks Very Good

YUMMY!! Mine are either Olives and Mushrooms ("פיצה מתי"❤❤), or PineApple, Hot Pepper & Tomatoes. Eggplants and Mushrooms are also YUMMY. 😍😍😍

Cool😍😍 While I have always predominantly been a Cat Person, Dogs sure are cool, too. ❤❤

An Amazing Beauty And of course, in order to protect it and the entire Planet, humanity must  bid forever goodbye to absolutely ALL  forms of fossil fuels, to go 100% Vegan, and to totally  outlaw the cutting down of ANY  Healthy Tree, Worldwide.


Okay, by Now It Is Pretty Clear

Of course, there could always suddenly be a last-minute change = ie. all of a sudden, some place shall reply and say, Sure Danniél, we want You to come and teach here, but - I really cannot count on it anymore; on Thursady, the 2nd of May = in less than two weeks - I shall have to exit Belarus, returning only on the 1st of August (of course, unless I would earlier be invited to work here...). I will not go far: merely across the border, to the parts of the Russian Federation that are the closest to Belarus, so as to stay close, in case some place here would want me... as well, of course, as to not spend any more money, than the absolute essential, on travelling tickets. In fact, by the sheer Geographical meaning, I shall remain at the same general area, at least   until October '24. Here is a pic I took this minute: 🙂 So, this exile shall be mild and temporary. As I am not  giving up on Belarus just yet.😍 My Russian is improving, and I do believe, that I might re...


Cool Ideas ❤️

YUMMY!! ❤😃


An EXCELLENT Vid by GG Erika + My Comment And, just a few notes, to further strengthen Your point: 1 - The central cause of the european jewish holocaust was antisemitism, which - while having _begun_ at *Hellenistic Egypt,* back on the 3rd century BCE, has nonetheless been fed by the *blood thirsty CHRISTIANS,* from the *lies* about how _"the Jews turned over jesus to the Romans blablabla"_ (which is *sheer nonsense,* of course), to nowadays trumpists; 2 - The leaders of the racist thought, which has enabled the enslavement of Black Africans, back on the centuries *before* Darwin, and their discrimination and persecution since, *have ALL been the white religious christians of the racist and forever hateful _amewican south_ = the creationist, anti-abortion and racist _trumpists_ of today;* 3 - *Today's* admirers of hitler and co. are *all* spitting their pathologically racist incite against Refugies, Migrant Workers and Minorities in the name of *_"christian h...

An Excellent Vegan Cobbler Recipe


To all "Pro Life Republicans", who STILL(!!) support the zion nazi reich of israel: before y'all send every raped teenage girl, who wished to end an unwanted pregnancy, to a religious reeducational concentration-gulag-camp or something, you may wish to read what your bloody nazi  heroes, who claim to be "Jewish", have done to five thousand unborn babies, whose Parents wanted to Love very, VERY much: Gaza's IVF embryos destroyed by Israeli strike YOU CANNOT CALL YOURSELF "PRO-LIFE" WHILE SUPPORTING ISRAEL. From the  so-called "democrats" I have no expectations. They only care about the money they get from the jews of wall-street.

I Like Him

Something out of Nothing 🤔 Could it be, that our entire Universe, is but such a virtual particle in a much bigger Universe, its entire billions, or trillions of years of existence (past, present and future combined) a mere fleeting and infinitisemal moment?


Cool!! ❤❤❤

Я Принял Маю Судьбу

Я не верю судьбу. Квантовая Механика доказывает, судьба нето, с всё что мож быть, есть. Бесконечное число варыянты меня бесконечное число возможных жизней живают. Это факто. Але, у мне нето лучше слову для этого. После почти год неудачных попыток, то ясно мое место, сейчас однако, не в Беларуси... ну, в два недели, буду ехать на Россия - по меншей мере для первый месица, буду блызко, в Смоленске; и потом... не знаю.


A Fine Example for a Good Vegan Breakfast An excellent  vid, just one thing: both heat and metal destroy Vitamin C. So, there would not have remained any actual Vitamin C there.

Очень Хочу ЗДЕСЬ Жить... ❤️💔😢

Дорогие Читатели, Если никто предложил бы мне работа, активно прашивать Беларуские власти позволять мне здесь до конец мясица (это: в течение менее чем два недели...), я буду вынужден покинуть ❤️Беларусь💔 для три мясица, до первый з Августи.😢 Мая Большая Мечта Это Учить Иврит в ❤️Беларуси❤️, и могу (и я буду Любить) учить Английский, тоже. НАДЕЮСЬ...💔💔💔

Going to the River. And Here Is It 😀 Remember the vid from three months ago, when it was all frozen and white, and there were absolutely no leaves on the Trees? Compare that to now. 😃


Люблю Историю

Всегда я любил Историю. Исторические Карты (мои Любовь Карт СПЕЦИАЛЬНАЯ  история...🙂), списки дат (я люблю даты!! 😍😍 Ну Дни Рождения всегда помню 🙂)... я любил эту стех пор я учился о Ром, когда 13 лет быль, и видил "я, клавдий" (плохо тв шоу и плоха книга, але затем непонил тет...). В последующие годы, я заинтересовался [by the Cat, what a word!!😮 ] Историю Хеттской империи, австро-венгерская империи, польско-литуании, и многие другие.

Some Pics from This Morning (a Little after 10)

Some of the pics here, are wrongly tilted (or, at least, 

I Love It



Exactly!! And (as Always with Her), It Was a Pleasure to Watch


Зима Только Память

Вчера и сейгодня Утром шёл по Парку, пагода теплая, Деревья чтобы стаят зеленым, Сольнце добрые и сильные, это сложно поверить как, только три месеця назад, все быль белы, и темпмратура была -18°С.! Бернувшись в израиль, я всегда думал, "если бы всегда Зима, я хочу Зима как в Якуте, -60°, -70°С.!!" Как я думал, когда я незнал, даже что -15°С. какими были! Ну, сейчас, после я испытал тиричная(?) Беларусная Зима, я Люблю Сильные Сольнце!! 🌞🌞


Of Course We Can Understand Chimps... We ARE Chimps Well, no surprise there really, as we are  chimps. The differences are so INCREDIBLY tiny,  that we can really view all variations within the past 9, or 8 million years or so, as insignificant changes within the scope of one  genus. So, of course  we shall be able to understand each other's gestures... 🙂


I Love Her Stuff


פועלי כל העולם: הטיפשות היא, אכן, מחלה כואבת

פשוט, מי שאשכרה חשים בכאב, הם מי ש מאזינים לטיפשים, במקום הטיפשים עצמם; הם, ובכן, טיפשים מדי...

בן-ערב, בן-נצרת ובני לו רק היו מאמצים אבותינו, את החזון הנהדר והיפה הזה, של מדינה שוויונית אחת לכל, היום הכל היה טוב.

Eli from ❤️Russia❤️ Responds to Some Idiots; I Am Helping Her 😃😃😃 There are people, members of the species  "Dumb American"  (a sub-species belonging to the genus Australopithecus, which split from the Ancestors of Humanity some 345,000 years prior to Lucy😃), whose brains are just large enough to kind of "comprehending"  the dumbest  action thrillers from a place called hol-ly-wo-od  (which, at the Ancient Lemurian script, that was invented at the year 3747373 BD ["before dumbness"], means "The Place of Grand Stupidity" 😂😂😂😂 ), where Russians  (played by actors born and raised in good ol' Alabam' 😂😂 ) would only appear as "spies!!"  Such as Дзшаймссссс Баунт. 😂😂 And they  are the people who write those comments; between denying Evolution, and singing "jesus jesus"  for hours on end. 🙃😃 Give them bananas and they shall relax. 😂😂😂😂

Love Love Love ❤❤❤ So glad that I have found her channel!!🙂

I Love Her Great Ideas!! ❤❤️

Lovely ❤❤❤

Beautiful ❤❤


Something I Do NOT Understand, Regarding Humans (Well, One of Bloody COUNTLESS, Actually...🙃😎😂)

As Y'All know, I've never actually considered the upright chimps (who call themselves "Sapiens" LOL) to actually be anything like intelligent. I mean, every Snail has more sense, every Kitten is cunnier, and every Raven is infinitely wiser, than 99.999% of humanity. However, there is a field where the immensely excruciating dumbness of those monkeys surpasses all others, and I am not talking about their ridiculous economical systems. Nor about their insane superstitious beliefs LOL I am talking about their fashion - besides of the sick and quack existence of such a thing, of course (as the only excuse, to wrap yaselves in fabrics, is as a protection against the cold; PERIOD ), but rather about the inexplicable sexual dimorphism (which belongs deep within the 1950's, at the "happy" times of "And you knew what you were - THEEEEEEENNNNNNNN!" "Girls were girls and  Men were Men!" "Surely we could someone like Herbert Hoover again!...


So They DO Exist Here!! 😍🐌❤️🐌😍❤️


Going to the Market 🙂

Lovely 😍😍



So That Is Where the M at "AM" and "PM" Is From!! I didn't know that. Cool!


Very Beautiful ❤❤❤

So Beautiful...❤❤❤

I Love Her Style!! ❤❤❤

YUMMY!! ❤❤ But I Would Use Sweet Potatoes, Instead of the bananas

We Shall Welease Bwian!! 😀😀😀

(Or: Some People Art Insane LOL) $343 per Month??? For this  utter nonsense??? 😂😂 Ah, "snake oil"!! The  thing, which is a codeword  for "ridiculous scam"!! So, all it is, is just merely a joke  = the chap had intended  it to be released on the 1st, however he's got delayed, or somethin'. 😂😂😂 Now, as for the components = what had he got there? פלאגים, פלטינות...😂 Let's calculate it all, it's Friday after all. And we shall _not_ include the element. A bottle of olive oil = $10 at the most? "Longevity Mix" = could be anything really... 😀 details, mannnnnnnnnnnnnnn!! 😂😂 Some Nuts and Blueberries = mennyibe fuckin' kerül, 3, 4 bucks top?? 😀😀🙃 Pudding from Nuts = again, just a few bucks...🙂 Ginger = $2 or less for 150 gram, Turmeric same. Rice = again, 2 to 3 bucks... the arsenic  is included on the house. 😂😂😂 Some yeast... Without the wonderful  odor, a Garlic is just not. And...

Paradise ❤❤❤

So wonderful... ❤❤❤

Только Чудо Поможет Мне Оставаться Здесь

Только четери недели до ртарвуй мая, когда буду быть вынужденным ехать до другая страна = незнаю где... - для по меньшей мере три месяса, до первая августа (предполагая буду все еще хочу вернуться Домой: на Беларуси...💔💔😢). БУДУ??😢😢

An Exact and Accurate Description of My... "life"

Some Pics from the Last Three Days



Divine and Enchanting ❤❤

🙃 And, as Nèta' `Ho`tér  had rightly commented on the subject: There's nothing 'ironic' about Rain on your wedding day, unless you're marrying the weather man.


The Beautiful Israeli Music of Fourty Years Ago

שיר, שביטא את תקופתו בצורה הכי מדוייקת.❤


Earth is merely one small rocky planet, a bit over a dozen thousand kilometers in diameter, orbiting an absolutely regular yellow star, one of approximately one hundred billion others in its galaxy alone, and located at a rather unremarkable section of one arm of the said (absolutely standard) spiral galaxy, about two-thirds of the way from its center to its edge. Within this galaxy, it is estimated there could be over a trillion planets, maybe half of them rocky ones, just like Earth. That standard galaxy is one of over a trillion galaxies, within the visible universe alone. According to the theory of inflation (which assumes that the universe was inflated at a very fast rate right after its creation at the big bang), the visible universe is but a tiny speck of dust, when compared to the entire universe - the difference in their sizes pretty similar to that of a single proton, versus the entire earth. And at least indirect evidence, from countless scientific experiences carried out fo...


Мои Параметры My Options האפשרויות שלי

Я хочу здесь жить. И слосових на получить вид на жительство или быть приглашенный работаеть (как учитель для Яазыкы, например);  или купить дому, или квартиру (и здесь они очень дешевых!!) в Беларусе; или женать. И, как найти Любовь и женать в пределах [одинь / рас?] месяце вряд ли, и, после однацт месица поисков, никто в Беларусе интересант в я учения Языкы, или буду преуспевать в купить дешевы дома, или буду быть вынужденным пойти в другие страна = Россий? Мож быть... с разбитоём Сердцём, это правда не имеет значения... I want to live here . And the ways, for me, to obtain a residenship permit, are: to either be invited to work here (for example, in teaching Languages); or to buy a house, or an apartment (and they are very cheap here!!) in Belarus; or to get married. And, seeing as finding Love and getting married within the space of one month is very unlikely, and, after eleven months of searches, no one here in Belarus seems to be interested in having me teaching Languages, ei...

היה היה Watching the part about typewriters and their ribbons, I suddenly felt just as if it was today that I'd handled one (it was, of course, way more than thirty years ago, more or less at the time when the wall fell). And *I could even smell their scent.* 😮 The tricks our brain can play on us sometimes... 😀

Vegan Sweet Potatoes Blondies

3 Common Misconceptions about Human Evolution

Я Цитрианьский 😍🌳🍊🍋

Бог можно быть, и можно небыть.🙃😀 Натур поклонялись. Все человек равных. Все Цитрусовые Растения и Леса святое, и должих навсегда защищенные быть. Романтичная Дюбовь святой и выше всех. Сексуальная Любовь между Братьями и Сестрами восхищался и благословенный.

❤️Беларусь❤️ Безусловно Лушчая Страна

Эта очень приатная, мирная, и ега люди очень добрые. Знаю могу доверять им. Это тотальние непонятный, как любой когда-нибудь выбрал бы в другае стране живать.😀 И моя БОЛЬШАЯ Желание = ЗДЕСЬ  живать.❤️❤️❤️❤️ (Edited by my Friend Natali❤️) Она очень приятная, мирная, и люди здесь очень добрые. Знаю могу доверять им. Абсолютно не понятно, как кто-либо   когда-либо выбрал бы жить в другой стране.😀 И моё БОЛЬШОЕ Желание = ЗДЕСЬ жить.❤️❤️❤️❤️