Swayze Deals with a Dangerous Cult Leader


And My Comment:

Right at the beginning of the vid:

Look Swayze, am 48; I'll be 49 this July. I am old😉, now I do look much younger than my real age, Thanks to both Veg(etari)anism and Excellent genes on my Mother side.

However, as can easily be seen through watching my various vids, I do have my share of grey (even white!!) hairs, mostly in my beLoved beard, but also on my head, I do have my share of wrinkles... so: either this guy lies about his age, or(?) he lies about "natural hair, natural skin blablabla". 😂

And, after and while watching it all:

Swayze, this creature is FAAAAAAAAAAR WORSE than Freelee's ever been.

02:12 - How many ESSENTIAL Proteins are in Berries? 🤔 😂

02:17 - Gods, what a CROOK.

02:31 - Being ill is "getting better"? Hmmm. And war is Peace and lies are Truth??

03:18 - "The Journey of Detox" is a serious competitor to "Channel the Universal Energies through Your Body" for the title "The Largest Charlatanic New-Age BULLSHIT Known to Man" LOL

Guess he'll now start also with Atlantis, crystals, a gorilla who preaches in English, shamanism, buddhism and all their other lousy cultish new-age crap???

11:37 - "Do not think things through! Do not seek any certainty, except through my words - will be doing the thinking for you!"

Cult cult cult cult cult cult cult.

12:16 - How much is that bastard giving?

Most probably 0.0000001%, at Best.

16:05 - So, the crook's "Admirable Raw Vegans" live primarily on corpses and milk, while supplementing it with some Vegetables, Fruit and Bread.

Great "raw Vegans" indeed, what can I say. 😂😂😂😂

17:08 - I can already see that cultish charlatan getting his dumb raw-food followers to actively starve their babies to death, to "cleanse your lives, the way the Hunza did"...


17:14 - I guess, that worms are something ideal, in the eyes of the cultish psychopath who praises(!!) the "traditional hunza life-style"???

And, also: "not to mention girls"... the typical worldview of those "ooh so spiritual" people from the indian sub-continent, where women and girls are considered to be something between dirt and tools, and have absolutely ZERO human rights = something the charlatan, most obviously, whole-heartedly admires.

18:17 - Well this was a typical speech of a cult leader. Just before he'll drag y'all to commit mass suicide, that is.

And the same goes for that staring in your eyes ceremony. ALL STRAIGHT OUT OF THE HANDBOOK FOR THE CULT LEADER THINGY.

Please, get him locked up. BEFORE he'll destroy countless lives.


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