Earth is merely one small rocky planet, a bit over a dozen thousand kilometers in diameter, orbiting an absolutely regular yellow star, one of approximately one hundred billion others in its galaxy alone, and located at a rather unremarkable section of one arm of the said (absolutely standard) spiral galaxy, about two-thirds of the way from its center to its edge. Within this galaxy, it is estimated there could be over a trillion planets, maybe half of them rocky ones, just like Earth.

That standard galaxy is one of over a trillion galaxies, within the visible universe alone.

According to the theory of inflation (which assumes that the universe was inflated at a very fast rate right after its creation at the big bang), the visible universe is but a tiny speck of dust, when compared to the entire universe - the difference in their sizes pretty similar to that of a single proton, versus the entire earth.

And at least indirect evidence, from countless scientific experiences carried out for almost a century, our universe is but one, out of five hundred trillions, raised in the power of infinite, raised in the power of infinite.



N O T H I N G .

Not even a speck of dust. NOTHING.

And yet, in the light of ALL our total insignificant and our complete NOTHINGNESS, we do STILL consider it significant, whether, on that hill or another, there would fly the flag of nation shit-in-piss, or the one of nation piss-in-shit.
[Ah, the LANGUAGE shocks you??? Interesting. I would have thought, that all the countless bloody innocent VICTIMS, all this PSYCHOTIC ORGY OF NEVER-JUSTIFYABLE DEATH would!!!]

Ha? What did you say?

That this Earth, is the only Home we know, Love and have, containing everything we care about???

Then fucking DO something POSITIVE about it!! Fucking ABOLISH ALL "nation states", cancel ALL "national borders", dismantle ALL nuclear weapons (ANY SORT of some sick "justification" for their despicable existence shall earn you a black eye, so, if you know what's Best for you, you shan't even try) - and, ABOVE ALL, STOP AT ONCE ANY USE OF ANY FOSSIL FUEL OF ANY KIND!!!!


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