And, beyond these three: THE MORE = THE BETTER. But, for the very least, absolutely everyone MUST possess the ability to converse at these three, as they are the three leading ones at the World today. And, beyond it, of course it is a very good idea to know French, Japanese, Spanish, Bahasa, Arabic, Persian, German, Portuguese, or any other Language really = the more the better. Also from the "dead" Languages = Latin, Sanskrit, Akkadian, Ancient Greek, Sumerian...

At the World today, most alte sachen people, can barely comprehend even the simplest(!) sentence, at ANY Language, other than their own mother tongue (and that is besides the fact that, of course, the vast majority of specimens from this sad species cannot even articulate themselves in that!!). Most younger humans, might somehow be stuttering several broken sentences at one other tongue - and that is fucking it!! 😮🥺 On a World so fucking connected, by the Internet etc., people do STILL LIMIT THEMSELVES to THEIR OWN LANGUAGE - AND NONE BESIDES!!!!

Which I find to be absolutely horrifying.

Now, it is very easy, too easy, to just simply go and tell Russians and Chiness "go study English!!" (As I keep telling my Friends here in ❤️Belarus🇧🇾💔) - but, how many AMEWICANS have ever actually considered, even, to bother themselves to learn Chinese, or Russian?


אז בעד זה. Ez a miért. És ez a baj.

Since, beyond the huge Cultural World (Books, Movies...), which gets opened to You each and every time You set upon seriously learning a new Language, and beyond the absolutely EXCELLENT work-out it grants Your brain cells (yes, those cells hampered so terrifyingly by watching hallmarks, porns, reality, soaps, or the absolute WORST of all: the cheap propaganda calling itself "news" = y'all know, bbc, cbc, msnbc, abc, cnn...*), You do also gain the new ability, to freely converse with hundreds of millions of people, which shit-faced politicians (the names joe trump and donald biden come to mind...) do their fucking utmost BEST to sell You mad and crappy lies about.

OF COURSE this is why Russian and Chinese studies still aren't an obvious part of elementary school's children's daily curriculum, at all the English speaking countries (for example), even at 2024.

And that's the whole story.

* = Kəmó šenne`əmàr (bePharashàth haššavù'a!😃):


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