An EXCELLENT Vid by GG Erika + My Comment

And, just a few notes, to further strengthen Your point:

1 - The central cause of the european jewish holocaust was antisemitism, which - while having _begun_ at *Hellenistic Egypt,* back on the 3rd century BCE, has nonetheless been fed by the *blood thirsty CHRISTIANS,* from the *lies* about how _"the Jews turned over jesus to the Romans blablabla"_ (which is *sheer nonsense,* of course), to nowadays trumpists;

2 - The leaders of the racist thought, which has enabled the enslavement of Black Africans, back on the centuries *before* Darwin, and their discrimination and persecution since, *have ALL been the white religious christians of the racist and forever hateful _amewican south_ = the creationist, anti-abortion and racist _trumpists_ of today;*

3 - *Today's* admirers of hitler and co. are *all* spitting their pathologically racist incite against Refugies, Migrant Workers and Minorities in the name of *_"christian heritage"_* (see those nasty little *_catholics_* = fanatically religious christians to boot - at the 4 *_visegrad_* countries of central europe, *as bad as the _trumpist evangelistic kkk & nra activists in the u.s., who support the caging of Mexican children, in the sickening name of jesus=shmisus..._*

So, wonders!! In *all these 3 points,* we have seen how *the ACTUAL guilty party at the holocaust, are _the CHRISTIANS_ of the World* - and that *THEY* are the ones *_currently continuing_ the nazi legacy, of hitler and co...*


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