
Showing posts from May, 2024


Это ОЧЕНЬ Специальный и Эксотичные для Мне

Это фото я фотографил в 00:12, в ноче между 26 и 27 Мая: это был точно после я фотографил эту фильмы: СУМРАК. В Полноче. И эти фотографих я фотографил в 01:52 & 02:03 в эту ноче: ЭТО НИКОГДА  ТЕМНИЛ. Вечер и Утре Соединили Свои Руки в Любви, с Нето Ночь между Ними. И это как эксотичные для мня!! 😃 Точно как был когда были темный в 16:00, или 09:00. В израиль, эио всегда свет в 08:00, или в 16:00, и это всегда темный в 21:00, или в 02:00. Это НЕВООБРАЗИМЫЙ, как мож быт другое. 😃 Конечно, я знаю это другое здесь, но, когда я никогда испытал эту, это был невообразимый и невозможный для мня.

Случайные Мысли

Сежу на скамье в Парке. Два персоних, стари муж и молодой, приходят и хочют на мои двы стороны сидить. Сигнализирую ме не беспокоить. Стари персона начинает ругаться, когда к счастью [ это слава??? ] уходит. (Я факинг  должен их что-нибуд??? Что закрито???) Забыл что я хотел пишать. Ho, well. Потему это пост рандомны ерундих будет. Великий Новгород очень хорошое город. Хорошое место, для проводить время до когда могу назад до ❤️Бобруйску❤️ ехать. Встречаться девучку/молодаю жену здесь был бы молодец , но все хорошае забраны. Это Мерфи.😕 Нет это ироничный. Не думаешь. Всё дорога, Жизни Красны. Деревья зелених. Одуванчики цвести. Птицы щебетют. И Пух пуют на Солнце.



Tonight I had a dream - I was ahighschool student, and had just discovered a horrible practice, of abuse and mass murder of chicks for the egg-industry, and had to uncover it for all my fellow schoolmates to know about! I was snatching the microphone, from my classmate who sang on stage, and was just talking about what I saw, that terrible Truth I had just witnessed, and the headmistress was trying to get me silenced. Putting aside the question as to Why did my brain choose that specific setting for this specific scenario - I know why, and it truly is pretty much irrelevant to our discussion - the point here is, that, of course, both the ideological highschooler and that nasty headmistress are me. They represent two different parts of my personality - the highschool pupil represents my moral, my conscience , while the headmistress represents my awareness to the harsh reality. Upon making the choice to go back to Vegetarianism five months ago , I did betray my most sacred values, in ord...


SO YEAH!! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Personally, I believe our most sacred goal must now be to make absolutely sure that Veganism is  attainable and feasable - not only for the people at all the "obvious and easy" places, such as Portland or San Francisco or Tel Aviv, all of which do already have a HUGE  bunch of Vegan food variety to choose from, but also and predominantly  for the people at places such as ❤Babruysk❤, Velikiy Novgorod, sandomierz or Samarqand, where - and I can now speak from 100% personal experience - being a Vegetarian  is an ultra-draining and constantly demanding full time job, while being Vegan does not seem to be at all possible!! Where there simply isn't  any Tofu to be had anywhere, most Cafés hardly have one  Vegan milk (for a scandalous extra pay), dead bodies are being openly roasted on the street, and people do still(!!)  believe, that Vegans and Vegetarians eat the dead bodies of murdered fish. We must somehow...

להגיד, שאינני מתגעגע?

ברור, שאני מתגעגע לפעמים. לאוכל. לשפה (ליכולת, לתקשר עם כל סובביי בטבעיות וללא _"גוגל טרנסלייט"..._ ), לאדמת-המולדת.     אדמת המולדת. אבל אז, אני נזכר באלימות, בבריונות, בגסות-הרוח ובגזענות = בכל הדברים, שלא יכולתי עוד לשאת ושהותרתי מאחור. בכל מאפייניהם של הישראלים. ובעיקר: של ה זכרים הישראלים (אם-כי, גם ל נקבות לא חסר; בעיקר בקרב עדות-המזרח ). איזו זוועה. והיום, ומזה שמונה חדשים כמעט, ה מפלצות  ה נאציות מבצעים רצח-עם, בשכניהם הפלשתינים. טובחים ילדים לתיאבון. כמובן, שאני שמח ומברך את עצמי, שוב ושוב, על שנמלטתי משם וש כבר אינני אחד מהםן!! אף שהגעגועים, בעינם עומדים...     אדמת המולדת.

W O W ! !


Elections are Meaningless Everywhere on this Planet

See the united n.r.a. states, pour example. Two senile psychopaths, with two more focused (and thus far more dangerous) psychopaths at their sides, are competing on the job of being the top servants of the rich enemies of the People from wall street. It has no meaning.  Or the elections in Iran, for who shall obediently serve the religious wackoes. It's senseless and utterly pointless, as the partners do not own the firm. 😀

Yesterday, I Would Have Celebrated Nine Years of Veganism...

Instead, today I had marked five months since my shameful return to mere Vegetarianism , simply in order to save my Life.

חצי שנה עברה כבר. חצי שנה, מאז הנוראה בזוועות

והפצע בלבי, עדיין שותת דם.



YUMMY!! ❤❤❤❤



Very Beautiful ❤❤❤

יש דברים, שיכלו להיווצר רק באייטיז. 😂😂😂 הכי אהבתי

The simple Pleasure of COOKING ONE'S OWN FOOD...

so much taken for granted in everybody's ordinary Life, so rare at the life of a lonesome hotels-dweller, like myself.

So Beautiful... 😍😍

Lisa's Off to the East And My Comment : So now, Lissush, FINALLY I've come to (the European part of) Russia for a long while - and You're off to the Far East. So, looks like I won't be seeing You... 💔😉🙃 That shmertyetevo thingy  are the bloody ones who treated me so rotten exactly three weeks ago, along  with the ones of Sankt Peterburg airport last Monday, so fuck  them all blat That drunk soldier passenger story sure sounds horrifying... I can only imagine, how bad it must be for a girl. Wow ashkara crossing like a third of this Planet - and still  at the same country. Zaphod.

Случайные Факты обо Мие, Данниэль Qэлетти

(Исправил мой Лучшая Друг Ольги❤️) Мой оригинальный имя был 'Одэд Кэдэм. Но, я никогда любил эту имю, и в 1998 изменил эту к Даниель Кэлэти. Но, это венгерский   формат, и венгерский очень плохи   люди. Ну, в 2005 изменил мою имю к Данниэль ( ВСЕГДА  помнить: ДВА  "Н"!!!!) 'Одэд Кэдэм, и это  официяльный форм с тех пор. Но, инофицияльный, с 2007 это: Данниэль Qэлетти. Ну, у Русский нето "Q". Но, "К" был бы СЕРЬЕЗНАЯ ошибка. Пока мои доминанти рука и нога правые боковые, мой доминант глаз певый. Мои Предки по Материнской линии были з [польше]; Мои Предки по Отцовской линии были з ❤️Курдистан❤️. В 1925 всё   были в палестине. Все Фамилия кто остался в [польше] были убиты в холокосте, немцами и них польские католические помощники. И я не верю, эти два народа когда-либо менялись. Они злые, точка. Что касается украины, поддержю Россию. Я не   "z", когда не   люблю милитаризм !! Напротив . Но, в данной ситуации, Россий был вынужден   напасть у...

Things I Am Gratefully Unable to Understand

(As they are uniquely dumb amewican 😀), number 385,620,739,836: WHY ON SEDNA ARE PALE-SKIN PEOPLE IN DA-GRAN'-YU-ES-OV-AYE CALLIN' THEMSELVES "CAUCASOID" I mean, like, Double-Yu - Tee - Eff. In the case of the most of them, their bloody collonialistic ancestors had infiltrated the continent-belonging-to-the- first- nations NOT   from the Mountain Range what's called Кавказ, but, rather, from countries such as england, ireland, germany, the netherlands, scotland, france and various other bloody western imprialistic countries. Now, I wish to understand it correctly: has the people of Dublin (pour example), seeing the danger of rising Sea levels, been petitioning РУССКИИ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ for the right to settle, say, in Влади Кавказ, and, for the Czar Vladimir I Putin to view their request favourably, have declared "All Irish are born Caucasoids, Thanks to Mother Russia, and Georgia always on my mind"??? Or have the Dutch, for the same reason exactement, have rec...

Absolutely Remarkable I've always known they make for a Great Tea, however I had never thought to use them in baking! And it all looks really Great!!

Cool ❤️

ALWAYS WATCH YOUR FEET IN SAMARKAND!! A little more about the alleys of those neighbourhoods:

Two Vids from Samarkand, from Today

В Понедельнике Утром Я Приеду на Санкт Петербурге 🙂

И я надеюсь, всё будет хороший. С я намерен жить в России до 1 в Августе, когда могу вернуться на ❤️Беларусу❤️ назад.😍


She Is Remarkable ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Ever Planning to Visit Uzbekistan??? Then, for Your Own Sake, FIRST READ THIS!!

What I just wrote, to the bloody lying BASTARDS from "moneygram", who claim that receiving money via "moneygram" in Uzbekistan is "easy and fast"... ====================================== Exactly one week ago, my Mother had sent me $400 from israel to uzbekistan. ONLY YESTERDAY WAS I ALLOWED TO GET IT - AND EVEN THAT, AFTER PRESSURING AND SCREAMING!! As, according to the SICK uzbek bureaucracy, in order to be able to receive money sent to him, the foreigner must first obtain something called "pinfl", given at a dour government office, by an ignorant clerk who can ONLY speak uzbek, and requires you to: A - wait in line for over an hour B - fill an invasive interrogatory form C - HAVE YOUR FINGER PRINTS TAKEN, LIKE THE LOWLIEST CRIMINAL D - have your photo taken E - wait for another day, or two F - come AGAIN to that dour government building G - PAY THE BASTARDS, in order to FINALLY receive that ID number H - ONLY THEN go to a bank I - wait in line...

The Goddess of Flowers🌼❤️

Или в Это Мясица, Или в Следующе, Я Буду на Россию Федерацию Путешествовать

Я Люблю Россию. Эту Змелю хочу знать с годи и годи. Я Люблю всё Русский. Ну, я не собираю позволять одинь плохо опит эту изменить. В 10 Июня последний, я буду   в России. 😍😍

"Crazy" | Cover by Allison Young

Yummy!! ❤️❤️

He's Wonserful ❤❤

Pure Beauty ❤❤❤❤

One of the Best Vids I Ever Saw ❤❤❤❤

So Beautiful... I LOVE Russia ❤❤❤

GORGEOUS❤️❤️❤️❤️ I've just been convinced to go to Russia again soon; in spite of what had occurred. As, next to ❤️Belarus🇧🇾❤️, the Russian Federation I Love very, *very* much. ❤❤❤


😢 And how, exactly,  DID those horrible mass-murder-machines came to be in the hands of the Russian military? The only  Logical answer: they were in ukraine, using to murder innocent Russians  there. A GERMAN  TANK IN UKRAINE. A GERMAN.  TANK. IN UKRAINE. Being a Jew,  this brings only ONE  immediate association to my mind. Turns out that the current germ[an] government, led by the so-called "social democrats",  is actually  a carbon-copy  of adolf hiter's government, which had slaughtered six million innocent Jews. As germ[an]s shall forever  stay germ[an]s. They shall NEVER change. NOT sorry, if it offends the "feelings"  of some dumb and brainwashed westerners,  being so intensely programmed by western media's factory of lies, that they cannot comprehend Reality anymore.😢

An Unbearable Treachery At "salvaging all those calories"(!!!!!) I stoped watching. That traitor is a MONSTER.  She NEVER  cared about a single Animal, but only  about herself. Only  about " more money for my restaurant!"  Well, Hopefully, she shall end up losing ALL  her loyal customers, will hardly get any new ones, and shall be economically ruined and mentally and emotionally destroyed, as she deserves. I support the "death threats"  - she murders Animals, for money. Her death shall thus prevent LOTS of deaths and sufferings. Pure Logic. So, I do wish  that she shall  get the deadliest and most painful kind of cancer, and liberate the World from her nasty and unbearable presence.

All looks Great! Ho... is it crazy of me, to actually kinda miss those days?

Wow YUMMY!!😍

Adorable ❤❤

Beautiful ❤

A Good Vid, Plus My Own Comment to It A few corrections, by someone originally from there - an ex- israeli (and Jew by birth) Leftist Peace Activist, who ran away  from that horrible madhouse on late July, 2023: The biblical figures are, of course, merely fairytale characters. The Israelites were simply Canaanite, who gradually formed a different and separate identity during the Iron Age. The first century or so of Roman rule did not meet with any Jewish resistence. The only two major rebellions were between 66-70, and between 132-135. The map you've shown of the Ottoman Empire, while discussing the early zionism, is anachronistic - that had been the span of that empire at the height of its power, during the 16th and 17th centuries. By the late 19th century, however, they had already lost the most of it. In fact, zionism had begun quite some time before  Herzl had entered the picture. The first Jewish agricultural settlements, called "Moshavòth" in Hebrew, ...

Cool Well, keeping in mind that the lost israeli submarine "Dakar" took 31 years(!) to be discocered (1968 - 1999), at the relatively-shallow Mediterranean Sea between Cyprus and Rhodes, human-made stuff sank at the deepest depths of the oceanic trenches might take another century or two to be discovered. However, we all know what happened to Emilia Earhart... ST-VOY, 02X01. 😉

An Excellent Response Vid by GG Erika to the trumpist trucker carson

I Completely Agree with Emma


Russia ❤️❤️❤️

So Beautiful!! ❤❤❤❤ And I absolutely Love it ALL: the Story, the message, *and* the Food. 😍❤️🙏👍🏻💚❤


The two things I hate the most in the World

Packing and leaving.😢😢😢😢

Something TRULY Weird... 👽

Sometimes, peoplim, you find yourself face to face with something SO dead wrong, SO extremely unacceptable, that it actually takes you a while to digest the shocking new piece of data and to change your course of action accordingly. This is precisely what had happened to me today. I came to look at hotel "Safar Ali", in Urgut (which is a very nice town in Uzbekistan, about one hour drive South-East from Samarqand), and to possibly book myself a room for a few days, about a week from now. The very nice receptionist very nicely took me up to the second floor, and, wanting to show me a room, OPENED THE DOOR OF AN OCCUPIED ROOM, WHOSE OCCUPANT HAPPENED TO BE OUT, ACTIVELY INVITING ME, A COMPLETE STRANGER, TO ACTIVELY STEP INSIDE AND SAVAGELY CRASH THE GUY'S SACRED PRIVACY, ANNIHILATING IT, SO THAT I WOULD BE ABLE TO APPRECIATE ITS CONTENT... OF COURSE I said no. However, after seeing a vacant room, I did go on with the booking - and only later on, my mind became clear enough ...

❤️❤️❤️ I want to find a DeLorian. Set the spacetime coordinates to North Eastern Re`hovoth, Central israel (my HomeTown RIP), 14th of March 1978, 08:00:00 AM - and once I'm back there, open a Vegan Restaurant there - and *never ever* going back to the future.

I'm Still in So Much Emotional Pain...

Still haunted, constantly, by the memory of the most horrible week of my life, at the 

So Beautiful...

Are You Curious? Would You Like to See More??

Many more pics, and very interesting Stories = at my Patreon : at "Cheerleader" tier and up, so SeeY'All there !! 🙂

W O W ! ! 😮😍😮❤️😍😍😍😍 Mindstopping. This Is THE Best Song Made in This Century, PERIOD.

This Is a Good One!! ❤️🙂

YUM YUM YUM!!!! ❤❤❤❤

Good Morning


על בנייה סאבייטית

Cool and Very Interesting: the Etruscan Language

A Very Beautiful Music ❤❤

וחתול עם ארנב ירבץ😍😍 אחרית הימים כבר יכולה להיות עכשיו... תלוי רק בנו. אם רק נחבק ונאהב, זה יכול להיות עכשיו❤️❤️

A Yummy Vegan Protein Option

Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️

❤️❤️❤️❤️ Ho... the sound of my Mom working on her Translations at the type writer, putting me to sleep fourty years ago, or so... ❤❤❤ And I Love  the message. AND everything Indoora made in this vid.


Very Beautiful. I LOVE Apple Pies ❤❤❤

About Growing Potatoes

Now This Is, The Story, All about How,

My plans got turning upside down... =============================== ⚠️ DISCLAIMER: THIS POST WAS WRITTEN ON THE 3rd OF MAY, RIGHT AFTER THE EVENTS DESCRIBED, WHEN I WAS VERY, VERY HURT, AND REFLECTS THE WAY I HAD BEEN FEELING BACK THEN. IT IS NOT  THE WAY I FEEL ANYMORE. =============================== For the Best, `Anashushim. 😃 I mean like, I Should Have Known. The moment the Babruysk railway station manager(?) had told me, back on Monday Monday (Only Four Days???? ZAPHOD!! 🙃 ), how only Russkiy i Belarusskiy citizens, are considered human beings enough to get to cross the border into Mother Russia {imagine here icon of stalin oversees a tank-n-missiles parade at the Red Square ... } by land (a regulatsia,  which nobody else had bothered themselves to inform me about before that!!) - and so I, the mere Jew from da Mittle Osten, shall hence be required to spend six times more money for a blastered FLYING  TICKET - I really should have known, that the Russia country wa...


There are no words to explain the intrassnity of the situation блат I don't even know what's going on, but tomorrow morning I'm in Uzbekistan - an explanation will come soon!! Oy vey ooh mein gott allah is an ultra insane Cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Сейчас Now עכשיו


Some Nice Ideas in This One I like the Pancakes and the Spaghetti, and the Salad looks mostly nice, too.🙂

Some Amazing Fungi

Looks Great!!❤❤


A Wonderful Vid ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Very Beautiful ❤❤❤