A Good Vid, Plus My Own Comment to It


A few corrections, by someone originally from there - an ex-israeli (and Jew by birth) Leftist Peace Activist, who ran away from that horrible madhouse on late July, 2023:

The biblical figures are, of course, merely fairytale characters. The Israelites were simply Canaanite, who gradually formed a different and separate identity during the Iron Age.

The first century or so of Roman rule did not meet with any Jewish resistence. The only two major rebellions were between 66-70, and between 132-135.

The map you've shown of the Ottoman Empire, while discussing the early zionism, is anachronistic - that had been the span of that empire at the height of its power, during the 16th and 17th centuries. By the late 19th century, however, they had already lost the most of it.

In fact, zionism had begun quite some time before Herzl had entered the picture. The first Jewish agricultural settlements, called "Moshavòth" in Hebrew, were built from the 1870's onwards, and from 1882, the pogroms at the south-western parts of the tzarist empire, at modern day's ukraine and moldova, had pushed many thousands of Jews to flee that area to Ottoman Palestine (the BILU movement). Herzl had only joined the party at 1894, after reaching the conclusion that the Jews would never enjoy true equality and acceptance at christian Europe; however, he was the first to actually discuss a jewish state.

As a result of an extremist "jewish" settler slaughtering innocent Palestinian worshippers, at Hebron on february 1994, as bad as the inappropriate israeli response (which chose to brutally punish the victims and reward the attackers), the "`hamas" opened a series of terrorist attacks of its own, which, along with israeli insistence upon maintaining, and even doubling(!) the illegal "jewish" settlers' numbers all across the occupied territories, had severely maimed the Great and Hopeful Expectations for Peace created by the 1993 Oslo accords, as it had become clear, that israel had never actually aimed to get to anything like Peaceful coexistence, but instead was merely seeking to tame the PLO into being its collaborator at the maintainance of the occupation's injustices and atrocities.

The "`hamas" was democratically elected to assume power at the Palestinian elections of 2006, which were illegally "abolished" by the israelis and their collaborators from the "Fata`h" (the PLO) Palestinian government. Seeing that, they then took power in Gaza, while the "Fata`h" stayed in power on the Palestinians tiny enclaves across the West Bank.

On january 2009, july-august of 2014, and may 2021, israel had brutally bombarded civilians in Gaza, INTENTIONALLY SLAUGHTERING HUNDREDS OF CHILDREN AND BABIES. The simple Truth is, that the israelis do not consider Palestinians to be actual human beings, and do not view the loss of Palestinian lives - even little children's!! - as tragic.

As for a solution: with both fighting governments made up of psychotuc nationalistic-religious fanatics, the ONLY Truly Hopeful solution to the current situation there, is a military concquest by ALL the World's power, which shall then run the place together, with ABSOLUTELY NO VOICE WHATSOEVER, to either jews nor Palestinians, for the next 70 years AT LEAST.

Which is kinda problem, with psychotic lunatics being at the lead of many of the World's powers (and especially the u.s.) today.


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