
Showing posts from March, 2025

Should They Exist? And My Comment : Since I have just spent three great months at the Lovely town of ♥️Ohrid♥️, I insist that ♥️Makedonija🇲🇰♥️ most definitely should  exist.😍😍😍 Kosovë must  remain a separate country, as annexing it to Albania shall de facto  mean, that the international border between ♥️Albania🇦🇱♥️ and srbija has been moved,  which is illegal, and thus strictly  forbidden. The republica srpska has a right to decide to become its own separate country, however I strongly  Hope that they will avoid it. But, on the other hand, I shall most certainly  rejoice in seeing the evil fascist reich of britain  falling into pieces ( AMEN!! ), with Scotland, Wales, Wight, Mann and Cornwall becoming completely independent nations  and northern Ireland FINALLY  reuniting with the Republic, AT LAST.

Cool!! 😍👍🏻😍 As I am now in Albania, I will visit that place in a few weeks... I wonder, will they be an independent state by then?

מעניין ביותר

This Pic Was Taken EXACTLY Ninety Years Ago

THE WEDDING OF MY MATERNAL GRANDPARENTS: MY GRANDPA, YITṢĤÀQ (ISAAC) HIRSCHBERG AND MY GRANDMA, NEĤÀMA GRUBSTEIN = THE PARENTS OF MY MOTHER, ŠLOMÌTH KEDEM. Sitting: my GrandMa's Dad, my Great-GrandPa, Yəĥi`él Grubstein (1889-1958), my GrandPa's Paternal GrandPa, my Great-Great-GrandPa `Eliyàhu (Elija) Mənaĥém Hirschberg (1861-1941), MY GRANDPA, YITṢĤÀQ (ISAAC) HIRSCHBERG (1907-1978), MY GRANDMA, NEĤÀMA GRUBSTEIN (FROM THEN ON, OF COURSE: HIRSCHBERG; 1914-2001), my GrandPa's Paternal GrandMa, my Great-Great-GrandMa Malka Freydl Hirschberg (of House Roszgold; 1861-1946 ), my GrandMa's Mom, my Great-GrandMa, Dvora Dubrusha Grubstein (of House Dua; 1890-1974 ), and my GrandMa's youngest Sister, my Great Aunt Le`ah Grubstein (1924-2016). Standing: my GrandPa's Aunt, my Great-Great Aunt Féla (who was born back on the 1890's, and lived to a fine old age), my GrandPa's youngest Uncle, my Great-Great Uncle Yəhuda Hirschberg (1903-1960), Féla's Dau...

March 2025 Photography B


March 2025 Photography A


February 2025 Photography B


Workers of the World: If a Name of a... "hotel" Happens to Contain the Word "Emerald", at ANY Language (izumrud, izmargàd or WhatEVER)

DO NOT GO THERE!!!! You Ĥave Been Warned (as I wish that I were😥).

G O R G E O U S ♥️♥️♥️♥️


THAN PACKING. 😥😧😥😧😥😧😥😧😥😧😥😧😥

Two Yummy Vegan Recipes

An Extreme Emergency Video Message from "Gutsick Gibbon" and My Response to It And My Comment  (which is directed at absolutely ALL  sane people still[!!] at the u.s.): Erika, RUN AWAY FROM THAT HELL OF A COUNTRY!! YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, SAVE YOURSELVES!! From what you're saying, as bad as from what obviously is being demanded by the worst of the trumpists psychopaths here on YouTube  (brett cooper pour example, to name just one utter lunatic), it is now clear to me, that either your country is about to descend into an all out CIVIL WAR, which shall probably be nuclear (yes!!), or  it is just about to crash down into the general level of something between Congo, bangladesh and turkmenistan. Either way, Erika, your country is doomed. I know. It is  excruciatingly difficult, to leave everything behind and go - believe me, I know EXACTLY how difficult it can all be!!  But Y'All have no choice - as it is either live and make research abroad - or die, or surviving a worse-than-death destiny at...

Мой Последний День в Македоние

Сегодня первый Весенний день здесь в Охриде. Сегодня, тоже, мой последний день здесь. Я не люблю этот города. Это не красибый, почти нет Деревьев и тротуаров, практически нет скамеек, имеет ужасное загрязнение воздкха, и таким образом, это настоящее страдание здесь гулять. Но, люди здесь замечательные.♥️ И поэтему я останавливался здесь три месяца. Так, вот оно: завтра буду ехать до/за/в (❓️) Альбанию, и останавливатьсю(?) там до конце Аврила = и тогда... ♥️Беларусь🇧🇾♥️? Босния-Герцеговина? Црна-Гора? 🤷🏻‍♂️

Let It Stay This Way... Natural, Beautiful, and Largely Clean of humans

Workers of the World: Here is the Difference between trumpists and Liberals (If We Can Call Them That...) in the united n.r.a. states

When the... "Liberals"(?) gibber dumb psychotic BULLSHIT, (as is more and more often the case, during the past 15 years or so), the Question is, of course: "What drugs did they take???" When the trumpists do that (as is the case practically when ever any  one of them opens their muppet-resembling mouth, and/or grabs a keyboard), the Question is: "What drugs should they have taken, but chose not to?"

How did Suleiman The Magnificent create a World Superpower? | Knowledgia And My Comment : A few notes: The HRE was not a solidified nation state / kingdom, but rather a very very loose and complex semi-alliance between hundreds of small entities, which mostly fought each other at the time, following the reformation. The union of [poland] and lithuania was merely a personal one (meaning, they were both ruled by the same king, like england and Scotland a century later; their unified commonwealth was only created at 1569. The thing that had allowed him to concquer hungary so easily was the fact that, following the death of king Mátyás at 1490, the hungarian kingdom = formerly the  strongest political entity in central europe - had swiftly deteriorated into an all out civil war, making it an extremely easy prey for the Turks. And - I know. Every Book and source around, claims that the first Ottoman siege of vienna took place at 1529. But I know it isn't true!  I know,  that the Ottomans had laid sie...

I Wish I Had Such a Child...♥️♥️♥️♥️

Why Did the Sick and Vile Poison, Known as christianity, Thankfully Largely Failed in Asia? And My Comment : Well, most Asians simply are waaaaaaaayyyyy  more Intelligent than the europeans, and thus have instantly realized, just what a destructive and toxic poison  christianity is, just how downright sick  it is - and so, have largely rejected it, Thank goodness.

Chatting about Various Stuff Democracy vs. dictatorships, Truths vs. lies etc.

Some Truly Great Recipe Ideas (Vegan and High-Protein) in This One

YUM!! 😍😍

Cool!! 😍😍😍

At Least Some Good Will Come Of It... And My Comment : Well, at least there will be some  good coming out of the climatic holocaust. I literally CANNOT WAIT to witness BLONDE WHITE LITTLE AFD-VOTING CHRISTIANS drowning in their millions in their boats, in their FUTILE attempts to seek shelter in the RICHER, WARMER LANDS of Africa and Southern Asia, their hopes CRASHED against the waves. KARMA IS A BITCH. Which is why I Love it so. There is literally NO END to my sheer hatred  to the rich, white  west.



The heinous act of using oil(!) should and must  be considered to be a capital crime, punishable by DEATH for ALL legally mature humans involved (in a public execution, and with absolutely no possibility for any  mitigation or pardon). The Environment of our Planet is dying,  and those disgusting sadistic SCUMBAGS  are further RAPING  its soil, in order to make a bad situation worse, in order to further puffing up their sick abdomens. And to just accept that unbearable situation as a given fact, with simple shrugging and moving ahead, is ACTIVELY COLLABORATING with this MURDER of our Planet's Environment.

What Would Be on the Menü at My Dream Vegan Diner❓️ 😍😍

Well, let's start with the Sémvičim  (Sandwiches Английский 😃). I Love Peanut Butter and Tomato Slices Sémvič, Hummus, Ṭĥìna ("Tahini") and Tomato Slices Sémvič, Rich and Garlicky Vegan Butter and Cream Cheese with Organic¹ Cucumber Slices Sémvič, Rich and Garlicky Vegan Butter and Cream Cheese with Melted Vegan Swiss Cheese Sémvič, Vegan Eggplant&Mushroom Paté with Organic¹ Cucumber Slices Sémvič,  and the Sémvič shown at the vid shared last Post. 🙂     A Sémvič ( illustration 🤣 )     A Sémvič (illustration 🤣)     A Sémvič (illustration 🤣)     A Sémvič (illustration 🤣) Then, of course,  the two Vegan Breakfast  options: either Tofu Scramble,  or a Vegan Shakshuka😍,  next to rich, Wholewheet Bread, finely sliced Arabic Veggie Salad  and various dips, such as Ṭĥìna, Hummus, Eggplant&Mushroom Paté, Garlicky Vegan Butter, Garlicky Vegan Cream Cheese, Oil...