How did Suleiman The Magnificent create a World Superpower? | Knowledgia

And My Comment:

A few notes:

The HRE was not a solidified nation state / kingdom, but rather a very very loose and complex semi-alliance between hundreds of small entities, which mostly fought each other at the time, following the reformation.
The union of [poland] and lithuania was merely a personal one (meaning, they were both ruled by the same king, like england and Scotland a century later; their unified commonwealth was only created at 1569.
The thing that had allowed him to concquer hungary so easily was the fact that, following the death of king Mรกtyรกs at 1490, the hungarian kingdom = formerly the strongest political entity in central europe - had swiftly deteriorated into an all out civil war, making it an extremely easy prey for the Turks.
And - I know. Every Book and source around, claims that the first Ottoman siege of vienna took place at 1529. But I know it isn't true! I know, that the Ottomans had laid siege to vienna twice: at 1575, and at 1683 (their loss on the latter eventually bringing about the loss of their control over hungary at 1699, and the beginning of their international decline). I KNOW it is the Truth. I had learned it, and rad it so multiple times, in many sources, back on the 1990's!

I do not know how come it has changed. I simply know what I had learned.


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