Yet Another Vid, Showing Us All Why It Is So Important to NEVER SET FOOT in the u.s. (Warning: a Truly Shocking Vid)
And My Comment:
Well, I shall begin with the ONLY thing, in which I actually agree with the americans (since that is so rare π). The horrors you have mentioned by the end of your vid, which are based upon brutal torture and sadistic murder of various concious beings, indeed should be banned Worldwide.
All other american laws mentioned here, however, are fascist, downright SHOCKING and utterly DISGUSTING.
Kissing in work is illegal??? Which femi-hitleristic and perverted lesbian "democrat" is behind that atrocious regulation, and How come donald trump has not completely reversed it yet??
(Well, Hopefully very soon he shall... along with all other feminazi nonsense, allowing his citizens to breath freely again.)
As for "the F-word!!!!!!!" - Those fanatically religious fascistic madmen (all americans, practically, including all those who go on telling the entire World their "Atheists"... π) have obviously forgotten how they've got the fucking FIRST AMENDMENT, which supposed to fucking GUARANTEE the fucking Freedom of Speech!!!! And have, instead, allied themselves with SaudArabia, afghanistan, iran and even israel, in applying fascist religious censorship in order to protect the "tender feeling" of the christian nationalists (the ones who, more than anything, love burning abortion clinics for fun in their free time). And same goes, of course, for their talibanic views on Nudism, public Sex, Pornography etc. - simply, a nation of crazy religious zealots, with an extreme level of censorship, which brings joseph stalin and north korea into mind.
Over two centuries ago, people fucking DIED to ensure the Liberty and Freedom from any religious censorship - and now, all those faked blonde propaganda narrating creatures, those little nobodies from "fox" and the "cnn", spit at their Founding Fathers' faces, by censoring words with their bolshevic-style "beeping"... π’
While preventing drunk driving is, of course, incredibly essential, there can be no justification whatsoever in banning street-drinking...
While it is important to avoid raw milk (by the way, wasn't the guy who invented warming the milk first, in order to kill off all the dangerous bacteria, a Frenchman? π€ππ€£), nonetheless hunting you down like that (with an enslaved and abused Dog...π’), for having one single piece = obviously not a commercial amount by any means, but only for yourself, to personally munch upon before reaching your hotel... - is definitely fascism. That's strictly none of their business.
Ho, well. Yet another vid, showing us all why it is so important to NEVER SET FOOT in the u.s.... one of countless.
And to a guy pointing out hiw insane it is of the americans, to censor healthy Nudity - but allowing(!) any sick form of violence to be shown to kids:
Precisely! Because the more you oppress the Healthy Sexuality = the more you get sick violence. This equation is true everywhere, always.
This, however, is precisely according to the plan of wall-street's rich enemies of the People, to make the Workers turn upon each other, so that they will not be able to start a rebelion - let alone staging a successful Revolution! - against them. The current religious mania, the insane "anti sexual harrassment" legislation, and the entire culture war, in fact, are all an integral part of that, too.
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