Ever Planning to Visit Uzbekistan??? Then, for Your Own Sake, FIRST READ THIS!!
What I just wrote, to the bloody lying BASTARDS from "moneygram", who claim that receiving money via "moneygram" in Uzbekistan is "easy and fast"... ====================================== Exactly one week ago, my Mother had sent me $400 from israel to uzbekistan. ONLY YESTERDAY WAS I ALLOWED TO GET IT - AND EVEN THAT, AFTER PRESSURING AND SCREAMING!! As, according to the SICK uzbek bureaucracy, in order to be able to receive money sent to him, the foreigner must first obtain something called "pinfl", given at a dour government office, by an ignorant clerk who can ONLY speak uzbek, and requires you to: A - wait in line for over an hour B - fill an invasive interrogatory form C - HAVE YOUR FINGER PRINTS TAKEN, LIKE THE LOWLIEST CRIMINAL D - have your photo taken E - wait for another day, or two F - come AGAIN to that dour government building G - PAY THE BASTARDS, in order to FINALLY receive that ID number H - ONLY THEN go to a bank I - wait in line...
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