Almost Seventy Years On - and Still the Same Fucking Bullshit

Just to see that little brainwashed na'aràth zva'òth there blat, mad about how the british dared(!) not allow further zionazi colonialists brutally invade Paleatine, and grab it away from its legitimate Natives. Fucking demanding a jewish majority, in a land that is not theirs at all, and to which they have illegally invaded, while being criminally helped by european fucking imperialism with the lame excuse, that they were persecuted in other countries (how is that the Palestinians' fault??? Why should they pay for it???), plus the ultra-irrelevant nonsense about their remote Ancestors being from there (who the fuck cares???) - man it makes me sick.

I wonder, did she get brains and decency later in her Life? After all, when I had been that age (back on the early nineties), I had believed all that crap, too.


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