About the Shocking Condition at the american reich, by People who Got Away from there


And My Comment:

It is downright shocking and despicable that you americans just agree to exist (I shall not even call it "live" 😢) at such deplorable conditions.

Had the american peopke any active brains (it's okay, not to worry, they do not have any), they would have long since figured out, by now, that:

A - The two only political parties which are practically _legal_ in the american plutocratic reich are one and the same, they are both just identical sets of puppets at the hands of wall-street's rich enemies of the People (with the lobbysts as the strings), so elections and their results are just absolutely empty BULLSHIT

B - The entire "culture war" is a sham, a smoke-screen, to incite y'all against each other (men vs. women, atheists vs. christians, whites vs. blacks etc.), so that you shall never unite against your only TRUE enemies: wall-street's rich enemies of the People - and so, in fact, the mad extreme feminists and the craziest evangelical christian nationalist preachers are, in fact, serving that actual enemy TOGETHER

C - ALL extensive news coverage of crime-reports, as bad as all sickening violence at your movies and tv shows, are planned to keep you atomized, frightemed of each other (which is why your second amendment is NEVER going to be fixed, nor abolished, nor amended, nor changed), and actively desiring a strong gestapo force (the one reachable by dialing 911), in order to "keep you 'safe'", so that you shall NEVER demand to abolish, or even curtail it

D - If your Life is in danger, due to lack of a proper and fully government-subsidized Healthcare, then the people preventing it from you = wall-street's rich enemies of the People = are your ONLY real enemies (and NOT some poor and hungry Afghan villagers, living in some cave, NOR the warm-Hearted and Loving People of the Russian Federation) - and would have acted accordingly.

But, having intentionally being dumbed down and thoroughly brainwashed, into a nation of approximately 340 million horrified and feeble-minded slaves, you shall never pose ANY threat whatsoEVER to your thoroughly-corrupted and blood-thirsty ruling élite of elon fucking musk, jeff disgusting bezos, and all the rest of those revolting little shit-faces = the ultra rich.

So, they can forEVER and EVER sleep in Peace.


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