About How Terminally STUPID All Those Pathetic christian apologists and theologians Truly Are 😃
And My Comment:
So A - Ĥow on Sedna can ANYONE represent their remote descendants, who wouldn't even born for fucking millennia, Truly is beyond me.
(Not like all that biblical Mythology about the boy, the girl, the Fruit and the Serpent had ever actually ĥappened, however that is besides the point here.🙃)
B - From reading the bible, particularly of course "Genesis" bot not only, it is most clear and obvious, that God is NOT "All-Knowing" and has NO pre-knowledge about anything, since, time and time again, he is genuinely surprised by things happening, regretting various actions etc. = ergo he, same as us, lives WITHIN the construction and restraints of SpaceTime. He does not know what is going to happen, anymore than You or I.
Ĥowever😃, it is equally clear, especially from the Hebrew text, that the Creator of the Universe has to live outside SpaceTime, outside the entire Universe! The very first sentence of the bible reads "Bəréšìth bårå` `Elohìm `eth haŠåmāyìm və`eth ha`Àretṣ" = "At a Beginning God had created the Sky and the Earth". Сейчас, while the verb bårå` means "[he] had created", in fact what it does most accurately mean, is that (he) had committing an act of separation, by pulling the thing created (Story, idea, the Universe) out (of himself), just like birth. So, as You can clearly see now, the Creator God has to be outside the Universe, looking into it, with present, past and future all very clear to him!
THUS it follows that the small, petty, constantly-punishing and always-regretting godling most certainly is NOT the Creator God. 😃
Which means monotheism is now in ruins. 😂😂
Ka'éth, regarding Incest.
Sadly, ya-Kristi, You = same as all americans, in fact - are still mentally locked deep within the christian/biblical religious hateful dogma, which considers the Joyful, Healthy and Blissful expressions of human sexuality to be "sinful" = a worldview which I, as a Citrian, holds to be most backward, bigotted and offensive.
While y'all accept homosexuality, and fully embrased all gays and lesbians with widely open arms (while ruthlessly and publicly lynching anyone who dares showing any sort of hesitation about it), Incestors are still(!!) being persecuted, and being brutally hunted down, far more brutally, than the darkest countries on Earth today do to any gay! All across the vile english-speaking realm, in fact, making Beautiful Love to One's Sibling(s), for example, is actually being treated as worse(!!) than murder, or rape!! And I am not talking here about "rape inside the Family", but on precisely the opposite: Physical Love inside the Family.
And there is no explanation why. Because it cannot produce viable and Healthy offsprings? A - many times it does, and B - can homosexual relations produce them? Can old people having Sex produce them? Surely, far less often, than Incest does... so, that excuse just doesn't stick.
The ban on Incest and the ban on homosexuality, are actually given side by side, at the very same vile set of atrociously oppressive rules, at the despicable garbage of a book originally called "vayiqrà`" ("leviticus"). Thus, forbidding and oppressing the one = forbidding and oppressing the other. Absolutely no difference there.
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