A Very Good Vid by Erin Byrd + My Response


Here, Erin, I agree with You almost completely (perhaps with 90% of what You said in this vid). Indeed, the extreme feminazis everywhere = at the universities, in the media, throughout pop culture and in politics - with the help of quite a few (almost always homosexual) "men", have successfully created a false image, a bubble of pseudo-reality, inside which "all women are victims, all men are monsters", and Gods forbid trying to even do as much as whisper against any detail of that imaginary pseudo-reality, to bring up any actual data-backed evidence, which can easily show the World how twisted and false their crazy claims are! Adhering to the insane rule, that "whoever is not 100% with us, is thus clearly 100% against us" and "our way or the highway", those mad and hateful feminazis gleefully apply goebbels-style tactics in marching their troops of gender-studies' brainwashed and completely mindless daleks against ANY man who dares step out of the line of blind, permanently kneeling and constantly apologising robotic obedience to their matriarchy, with the hysterical screams of "abuser!!", "misogynic!!", "sexual harrasser!!", "sexual pervert!!", "sexual predator!!", "rapist!!" and what-not, against any man who dared telling them, that the era in which they had indeed been oppressed is now long gone, or tries, Gods forbid!!, confronting them with actual statistics.

So, Yes - I completely agree with You there.

However, I do not agree with You when it comes to victim-blaming - to tell a victim of rape, for example (be they male or female), that it is actually "their fault" is cruelty; but not only at such extreme cases - also to tell poor people, that their predicament is "their fault" is mean, as bad as false: while there might be a few and sporadic cases, of people who fell into poverty as a result of drug abuse, or gambling, the striking majority of poor people are victims to the rich, and to the plutocratic capitalistic system, sometimes: of ethnic (or other) discrimination (like with the Black in your country, or the Roma in Europe), and in many cases, also of political circumstances. For example, while still living in israhell, I was rarely given any job, and was refused almost every job matching my skills, NOT because I am some kind of "a lazy loafer" or anything (I have, in fact, craved these jobs much more, than the people who actually received them), nor for being unqualified (my qualifications, in a matrer of fact, have made me a much better choice!), but for the one simple reason, that I did not serve in the israeli occupation forces, and have maintain the Moral line of objecting zionist activities against the Palestinian People. For that, for maintaining a Moral conscience, I have always been constantly pushed into poverty and unemployment.

So, what was I to do? To join the murderous majority, yell with them "zieg-heil!!" and demand with them to slaughter all the children in Gaza???

My Life would have been much rosier, if I had!!

Only I have a conscience. That is my... "fault".

Aside from this one single point, however, I agree with You here completely.


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