A Response to a Newly-Made (Ex-feminist) Trad-Wife

My Response to This.

Girl, you are DEAD-WRONG.

YOU have adopted a false dychotomy: either a men-hating female-led relationship feminazism, demanding to (whether mentally or literally) castrate all heterosexual men - OR a 1950's style oppressive system of fixed-forever-by-jesus gender-roles, in the traditional spirit, of doug wilson, the Afghan taliban, and the Flintstones.

Both Are EQUALLY Bad.

The concept of "gender roles" is dark, primitive, outdated, vile and sexist. IT'S OF NO MORE VALIDITY, THAN THE CLAIM THAT "INTELLIGENT DEPENDS UPON SKIN COLOUR". Same sick bullshit precisely.

Each person, should and must be absolutely Free to do what's Best for them, so long as their choice does not cause some terrible harm to others. It certainly would be evil, to decide that "as both of us want careers, our children should be thrown away for most of the day, to be raised by state-chosen strangers, because our self-fulfillment stands above all!" People who value their careers, more than their kids, should not bring any kids to tje World to start with. However, it would be equally vile to predesignate Daddy to the office and Mommy to the sink. (especially today, when so many jobs can easily and successfully be done from Home most of the time, and most offices become more and more redundant.) At some cases, some couples, the guy would best be the one working outside, and the girl would best be the one working inside - and in others, the opposite. At many cases, both Parents would be better working outside, at which case it has to be made possible for at least one of them = NOT "necessarily" the Mother!! Sometimes tje Mother, sometimes the Father, sometimes both - to be Home early for the kids.

And, all in all: society should now be moving AWAY from the vile romanian=capitalnazi notion of "arbeit macht frei!!!!" 25 working hours, should become the weekly maximum, with the standard being about 14 or 15.

However, back to the matter at hand: While the toxic, venomous and hateful feminazism is obviously sick, and has to be extinguished, nevertheless, men and women ARE Equal. All traditional gender-stereotypes, are NOTHING but (primitive, vile and outdated) social construct, with NOTHING "natural" about them. The only actual difference between the sexes, is at the Pregnancy and Breast-feeding Period - and THAT'S IT. And BOTH guys AND girls, must feel equally "at place" at any job THEY, AS INDIVIDUALS COMPLETELY REGARDLESS OF THEIR ENJOYMENT AND REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS, feel best-suited for.


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