One of My Strongest Laws, Is The Prime Directive

I must never interfere with the natural development of any society.

Thus, I am avoiding making any comments regarding the nature of the administration, internal legislation, and ways of internal management, of any country I am visiting (aside from where those are directly targeted to harm foreigners, after being intentionally hidden from us, such as the euronazi union's 90/180 abhorrible regulation, the abhorrible treatment of the weakest Refugees by the sodomite polaks, or the atrocious uzbek bureaucracy = all of which are being carefully hidden by the mass media of the fourth reich.¹).

However, there is a line.

And actively celebrating the fascilitation of the holocaust does most evidently cross it.

This is why, as much as I Love Belarus and its Great People, I nonetheless unallowed to remain silent, in front of such an utterly despicable behaviour.

¹ - the fourth reich = all of wall-street's servile, mindless and obedient puppets, Orwellianly named "the free world", as "slavery is freedom" = which is the core belief of wrong-wing trash, calling itself "left", such as the so-called "democrats", the s.p.d., the "labour", or "merets=Ε‘erets" = ALL of which, of course, are mere tools of western imperialism.


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