As a Jew (I Am Anti-zionist and of a Very Different Religious Faith, But I Still Am a Jew!!) I Am Shocked to Learn, that Belarus CELEBRATES(!) The Despicable Abomination

Known as "the molotov ribbentrop pact".

As a Jew, whose GreatGrandFather, and most of his GreatGreatUncles and GreatGreatAunts, were murdered during the holocaust, I am utterly shocked and mortified to learn, that that atrocity is actually being celebrated(!) here, in a Country that claims to have been among hitler's most suffering victims.

I hate the polaks. I consider polakland to be my very worst enemy, and wish that they NEVER would have regained their independence after 1814.

HOWEVER!!!! This does not justify celebrating(!!) a pact with FUCKING NAZI GERMANY, a pact which had been paramount at fascilitating the holocaust.
I despise that, EXACTLY as much as I despise all the west's NAZI-ADMIRING ALLIANCE with the neo-nazi gangsters, who took over ukraine, and are USING NEW GERMAN TANKS, SENT TO THEM FROM BERLIN NY THE SPD ADMINISTRATION (which, of course, shows us all, how the germ[an]s shall FOREVER be NAZIS!!) to praise the memory of THE GERMAN FÜHRER, ADOLF HITLER.

I truly had believed, up until this morning, that Belarus was different. However, this seems to strongly suggest, that, regarding Jewish History and the holocaust, ALL europeans - and CHRISTIANS OF THE WHITE RACE - shall forEVER be THE SAME: ALL PRO-NAZIS, AND ACTIVE ADMIRERS, OF ADOLF HITLER.

This shall have major ramifications.


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