Swayze Beautifully Deals with YET ANOTHER of All Those "ALL INDUSTRIALLY MADE FOODS ARE BAD!!!!!111" YouTubers


An excellent vid Swayze. Here are some of my thoughts during watching it:

Baked Potatoes are yummy. I Love baked Potatoes. Can give You a Great recipe for them.

That new YouTube... nutritionist(?) sure looks wacko. There's something which is truly off in her eyes. Her eyes. Brrrrr

Okay. So we are not birds. Thank you docherty for explaining this, I was beginning to suspect that, should I eat too many potato chips snacks, I might grow some feathers and sprout wings. ๐Ÿ˜€

And I always know a "documentary" vid is crap, when it slips into that ooh-so-american(brrrrrr) tendency of showing graphical example of any bloody word they say, like: they mention birds? Here's a brief vid showing birds. They mention people eating? Here's a brief vid showing people eating. They mention lions? Here's a brief vid showing lions. They mention Pizzas? Here's a brief vid showing Pizzas. Their "rationale" (such as there is one) for doing so goes: "our viewers are dumb. They have no brain. Their max sophistication level, is counting till 12 with the help of 'sesame street'. [brrrrrr] So, they need to have all words shown graphically to them, lest they'd all think, that 'birds' means 'moons', or 'Pizzas', and 'people' means 'watermelons', or 'chairs' or something"...

That's why I'm literally allergic to most american documentaries. Besides my basic and given anti-western political tendencies, that is. Because - bloody fuck, can't they fucking, like, RESPECT their audience???

So, this is just yet _another_ reason why I do believe that docherty's sad "docu" vid is literally unwatchable.


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