My Precise Stance regarding Gender

For my entire Life, I have been an activist in eliminating any concept of sexist "gender roles", fighting tirelessly against ANY sort of separation between guys and girls / men and women. During November 1992, I was one of the most passionate Activists against a local highschool's fascist and sexist principal at my HomeTown - who claimed to be a biologist - one àvra'm sèla', who had decreed, that boys shall be sent to carpentry lessons, and girls = to cooking lessons, using his "academical profession"(????) to back this up, saying that "boys are unable to hold a needle, and girls are unable to hold a hammer, due to biological differences between the male and the female brain" = an event immortalized at one of the Stories at my Book "Ne'urìm" ("Youth").

From 1993 on, for decades, I have tirelessly and passionately claimed, that there are NO SUCH THINGS, as "jobs for men" and "jobs for women" - and, from 2004 on, have firmly held on to the belief, that "gender differences" DO NOT EXIST and that GENDER ITSELF IS DEAD. I firmly believe, that both girls and guys, should be absolutely FREE, to put on each other's clothes, and work in whichever job they happen to be BEST for, ABSOLUTELY REGARDLESS of their Enjoyment and Reproductive Organs, that BOTH Parents should raise their kids together, and that separate toilet for "men" and "women" is an unbearably primitive and dark concept, an actual gender-based APARTHEID, befitting perhaps the taliban in Afghanistan, or the psychotically religious ultra-orthodox jews, of jerusalem and brooklin, but NOT a modern, enlightened and properly civilized society of the 21st Century!!


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