Emma Deals Beautifully with Some More christian LOONIES (This Time Around: The ULTRA-Quacks, Who Believe in the "Ancient Alien Astronauts" BULLSHIT)


So now, all the christian antisemites and alt-right, white-suppremacist _trumpists (which is the precise definition for EVERYONE who believes that "ancient alien astronauts" crap, from the - let us not forget!! - german erich von denicken onwards) = who have _always_ had such a difficult time believing that Non-Arian(!!) People have invented writing, the wheel and the pyramids, at the time when their own germanic ancestors had still been dancing on the Trees... so, they came up with that gibbrish regarding "ancient astronauts" to claim that "it's okay, those people had actually never invented, nor built, anything by themselves, but rather, had had aliens doing it all for them, adolf's theories are still and forever intact"... have now, after ending(?) with pyramidiotism, decided to britally attack and debasse the Grandness of the Great Jewish Thinker Albert Einstein, too...

That horrible "show" should be used as an excellent tool to expose neo-nazis, confederation-nostalgists and kkk-activists, before they'd storm the Capitol again.

But what has bloody cornflakes to do with _any_ of this truly is beyond me blat.


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