"BUT BUT BUT . . . "

Know how to respond to dumb and retarded carnist claims:

"But but but, agriculture kills lots of innocent little farm Animals, so by eating plants, Vegans actually kill more Animals, than carnists!"

FACT: About 80%(!!) of crops grown today are being used to feed (and, in some cases: even FORCE-feed...) farm Animals, just so the SICK AND PERVERTED people might munch upon their murdered corpses - so, every carnists is, in fact, personally responsible to about FIVE TIMES AS MANY DEATHS among field-Animals, as every Vegan is...

"But but but, I rad about that British Japanese research with the findings from that study from Congo - in South Korea - that showed how tomatoes feel sorrow and pineapples feel pain, upon biding farewell to their long-time friends the carrot and the grapefruit, so I think I'll stick to eating cows for the moment".

FACT: Plants CAN'T POSSIBLY have feelings, since they have no nervous system. The tomato HAS NO BRAIN. In contrast, Cows feel and have strong Emotions. So take your pick...

"But but but, if we all just stop eating the Animals, then the farmers will not have any more reason to sustain them and they will just kill them all"...

Well, NOT if we shall FINALLY legislate, WORLD-WIDE, GLOBALLY, that murdering a cow (or any other sentient being) is equal to murdering a human and is thus punishable by MANY long years in prison for the murderers...

And the farm Animals, shall be taken care of, for an adjustment period, by government-funded shelters - and then, released to Nature, to freely graze the now wild fields (see 80% above...), for the rest of their natural lives - and, in time, the natural balance shall properly be restored.

"But but but, it's yummy!"


Bloody Fuck!! Just go and eat "Beyond", or "Redefine", or "Wonders" or whatever other brand you might gave in your area, of VEGAN meat, which taste is THE EXACT SAME of "the real deal", with THE ONLY things missing: the unimaginable cruelty, extreme torture, and gruesome death.

And THE SAME goes for Cheese, eggs, or Chocolate - there are SO MANY READILY AVAILABLE Vegan versions, to ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING today!! Vegan versions, that taste EXACTLY like "the original". So Many!! Just ask!!

"But but but, Our ANCESTORS, back in THE PALEO STONE ICE AGE, ate meat!"

So??? Yes of course, back then THEY HAD NO BETTER OPTION. WE DO. We no longer live like they do - nor do YOU, if you are able to partake in an online discussion, THIS means that you can read, have a device with Internet access and an access to electricity. So, your life bare NO RESEMBLENCE WHATSOEVER, to that of our Ancient Ancestors 20,000 years ago; so, why should GRUESOMELY MURDERING INNOCENT ANIMALS be the one link still connecting us to our past??

"But but but, we need protein and B12!"

Of course! For the protein, you can eat legumes, nuts, seeds... a good Peanut Butter Semvich, or a bowl of Peas and Beans, contain LOTS of Great Protein; just ask Swayze. 🙂 And for B12, D3 or Iron, simply take your supplements and you're done... 🙂

"But but but, lions eat other Animals, too!"

So??? Lions also murder the cubs of the lionness they happen to desire; do you also go and murder babies, in order to then rape their mothers?!?

Because THAT's what lions do...

"But but but, MY CAT eats meat!"

So??? Do you eat YOUR CAT'S food??? From the same plate, too??? Do you also shit in his sand-box???

Gees those carnists are WEIRD...



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