I Wish to Emigrate to Belarus - An Open Letter to ANYONE from There

Hello, my name is Danniel. I am a 48-year-old Writer, Philosopher, Editor, Translator (He-En-He), Photographer, Home Decorator and Hebrew Teacher from Israel, originally from Rehovoth, and currently residing at the Israeli town of Qiryath Ono, on the Eastern outskirts of Tel-Aviv.

I have always opposed Israel's actions at the Occupied Territories, as well as all western imperialism - I DO NOT BELIEVE ANY OF NATO-NATIONS' LIES ABOUT BELARUS. I AM 100% ON YOUR (AS WELL, OF COURSE, AS THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION'S) SIDE AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN SO (Thank Goodness for being able to think for myself!).

I wish to move to live in your country. I am not rich, nor have I got any citizenship other than the Israeli, HOWEVER I am able to manage economically - AND whatever money I do have, I'd much rather spend in Belarus = a good and decent country of good-hearted people - than in Israel, or the west...

And my Greatest Dream, is to be able to teach Hebrew in your Country, be it to specific students in private lessons, to small groups (at self-arranged courses), or academically (I did write to Minsk Linguistic University, but so far, sadly, nothing came of it).

However, regardless of this Dream: I wish, with all my Heart, to live in Belarus and dwell in its GORGEOUS Forests, which I saw online and instantly fell inLove with. I do not ask for any special help or anything, only that I'd be allowed to legally reside in Belarus and, perhaps, work there in teaching Hebrew. That's all I ask.

MANY Thanks,


Danniel Qeletti ("'Oded Kedem").


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