What' the TRUE Meaning of the Story about Lot in sodom? What Practically ALL religious people Get WRONG

Was written as my comment to this vid:


Dear Kristi, You did not understand. You missed a lot, in the Story of Lot.😉

Конечно и Naturalement, that the ignorant retards known as "pastors" miss everything here. I mean, they are hopelessly dumb to begin with, and obviously none of them has ever rad the actual Story (but rather, just some lousy, fifth-grade translation phhhhhh), so what can we expect. Here is what was really going on there:

After Avrahàm ("Abraham") convinces Yahoweh (god) to spare sodom, if there'll be found there even ten Just and Righteous people, the two angels arrive at sodom, and it's already evening.

Now - of course their discussion with Lot was a test, to see, as to whether or not the people of that town shall forsake them out, to sleep on the street (there's no mention of any "square"; they say "lo`, ki varəĥòv nalin" = "no, for we shall sleep in the street". The Great Cat alone knows, whyEVER would it say, at that sad "translation", "square") = at which case, of course, absolutely all the locals ARE evil, and thus deserve extermination - or would Lot properly INSIST upon their coming with him, to the safety of his Home, to sleep properly indoors!

Сейчас, after Lot has proven himself to be Righteous, via his insistance that the men shall come with him and be well and safe, and he lets them wash and eat (showing him to be a Good Host), we come to the part where all the town's people come, surround his Home, brutally knocking at his door and yell "Ayyè ha`ãnashìm, `ãsher bà`u `élèykha hallàylå? Hotṣi`èm `éléynu, veneð'à `othåm" ("Where are the people, who came to your place tonight? Send them outside to us, and we shall @@@ them").

Ka'èth, the entire issue with the entire christian (as bad as religious jewish!) reading of this entire Story, hinges upon the meaning of This One Verb: "neð'à".

Literally, it means "we shall know" (Hebrew: "laðà'aþ" ["ladhà'ath"], = English: "to know"). So, while theoretically it could signify the equivalent of the modern "we shall fuck", it is faaaaar MORE likely, that what we do actually have here, is a demand to know WHO THEY ARE. As in "Immigration!! Police!! Open up!! Where are those two darky people, who came to your house tonight, send them out to us and we shall check who they are - and, if they're illegal: DEPORT THEM AT ONCE!!"

So, as we see, the crime of the people of sodom was NOT "homosexuality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" as all mentally fucked up, ignorant and retarded religious führers (pastors, vicars, priests, rabbis, immams, ayyatollahs and all that other shit really) WANT us to believe!! But rather the earliest version, of EUROPEAN STYLE XENOPHOBIA.

As that was the REAL test, that the Angels were ordered by Yahoweh to perform: to check and see, whether the people of sodom are accepting and hospitable of strangers - or, rather, as hateful and vile as, for example, THE ENTIRE CITIZEN BODY OF THE EURONAZI UNION AND THE U.K., who leave helpless Refugees to drown at Sea, or reach agreements, with the illegal western fascist government of Libya to lock all Refugees at concentration camps, or kick them and beat them to death at their border with Decent ♥️Belarus🇧🇾♥️ (the only Righteous Country in the sodom that is modern europe... 😥), etc., etc., etc.

THIS is the True Story here = which, of course, no kleine religious kaker would EVER like to accept, what with them all supporting border-fences, children-cages and what-not (it's called "being a fucked-up republican" blat 😥). And, since they have a homophobic agenda, конечно they would attempt to spin this Story around, as all xenophobe and homophobe priests, pastors, rabbis and so on have sadly been doing for millennia. But their version simply isn't True.


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