Thank the Gods I Am Not an american!!

And My Comment:

As someone completely from the outside, who (THANK GOODNESS!!) has never been west of the Atlantic, when I hear "u.s. colleges", what comes to my mind is:
Mentally retarded athelets (I mean, no intelligent person would _EVER_ degerade themselves into sports. Intelligent people develop their minds, NOT their muscles)
Young drunkards having wild parties at their Greek-lettered rooms (which names are the ONLY Classical education that ANY of them shall ever receive), screaming, and brutally bullying what few real Intellectuals might still be there (as your anti Intellectual society has always admired senseless violence)
An insane amount of debts, being brutally forced upon an entire generation, in order to further and further inflate the riches of wall-street' billionaire enemies of the People
Sick, mentally perverted and hateful lesbian professors brainwashing their young and clueless female students into fervently hating all the guys in their surroundings
And countless ignorant idiots, who believe, that 3 times 9 is 21, and that Quarter of an Hour is 25 minutes.

With the only exception being, I guess, the religious colleges, where all they learn is to scream "jesus jesus" all day long, worship trump, and burn down abortion clinics.

This, as far as I know, sums up your entire country's "higher education" system.

THANK GOODNESS there are other countries, with *far BETTER* higher education systems (Russia, China...), that are ready to take over the World.

And the sooner = the Better.


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