In the u.s.:hysterical lies and venomous propaganda from ALL sides

We habe all gotten used to trump and co. telling lies, many times due to their given inability to distinguish Truth from lies, and reality from a dream. But now, however, it seems as though the OTHER side is no better. In the new app "substack", the blog "Abortion Every Day" has just came up with a new invention: four states are considering legislation that would punish abortion patients as murderers.

Blood freezing and horrifying, isn't it?

Well, as I was not born yesteryear, I decided to run a brief fact-check about that specific (mortofying) "news story". So, I have googled the above sentence, as is, to see what I can find.

The only reasonable result, was something, from almost a year ago, about such an initiative (which probably got properly aborted right after conception...馃槂) in the insane n.r.a. state of texas; and practically the ONLY recent results, were... you guessed it (or so I Hope, however...?): that very "source" of "Abortion, Every Day"...

And absolutely NOBODY ELSE. Since, obviously, it never happened. Just some psychotic feminazi - quite probably a lesbian... - sat, at her Mom&Dad's basement, and cooked up a shocking "news story" from the depth of her (obviously very very sick and severely turbulant) mind...

So 诪讛讜 讛诇拽讞???

讻诪讜 砖讗谞讞谞讜 讗讜诪专讬诐 讘"讻诇讘讜讟拽" 转诪讬讚, 诇讗 诇讛讗诪讬谉 诇住讬驻讜专讬诐 讘专砖转! 驻砖讜讟 诇讗 诇讛讗诪讬谉, 讗讞专转 讗转讛 讗讜讻诇 讗讜转讛ּ, 讗讜讻诇 讗讜转讛ּ 讘讞讝拽, 讜讗讜讻诇 讗讜转讛ּ 讘讙讚讜诇.


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