About "The Matrix" etc.


Very interesting. It's been well over twenty years since I last saw that movie, should really watch it again. However, while I am against all institutionalized religions, christianity I hate more tgan anything, and catholicism is purely antisemitism, so... 🫤

The idea, of "uploading consciousness into technology" is the most atrocious idea imaginable. An eternal death, where you are nonetheless fully aware... it is absolutely horrifying, and I do Hope it shall never happen, since we shall not have the technology to do it, before everyone shall see just how horrible such a nightmare is bound to be.

As for the idea of the movie (and others, such as "Virtual Nightmare" and "The Thirteenth Floor", of which I was reminded at 44:00) - What if, all of us are mere Book Characters (I would rather think of Books, than computers, since THANK GOODNESS I am not an american), all our thoughts and feelings, are, in fact, what the Writer (let's call him, for example, Yahoweh, or Allah, or something along these lines 😉) wrote that we, the fictional characters, think and feel - but furthermore: what if he, the Writer, himself, is a mere fictional character, in a Story made up in another Universe - and so and so and so on, up until the "original" Universe is, in fact, one invented by someone from our World, who writes a Story about someone writing a Story about someone writing a Story , and so and so and so on - and it is ALL a CLOSED LOOP!! Where, in fact, NOTHING is real, as the God had sung!!

And, to another thing, which troubles me greatly in all the here mentioned TV shows and movies - the americans' SICK obsession with violence (in movies, TV shows etc.) is a direct result of your extreme religious opression (even among all those who claim to be Atheists!) of the Healthy human Sexuality. BREAK FREE OF IT!! Before it would consume you all.


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