What to Expect of the New WEPUBLICAN administration

Globally, my Strong and Fervent Hope is that trump and putin will sit together, end the war in ukraine, end all sanctions, shall open all borders, and bring Peace to the european continent.

Which is much better than anything that the so-called "democwats" would have done.

Regarding the fast-nearing climate holocaust, or the Gaza genocide in the hands of the jews, sadly, as there is no difference whatsoever between the two american political gangs, we can expect more of the same horrors still.

Сейчас, when it comes to their domestic affairs... ho, well. We all know their opinions... here's what the amewican people should expect shall be done unto them, in order ta Make Amewiga Gwait Agai':

All sorts of Family Planning = abortions, contraceptions and so on - shall probably be banned, all across their sad nation, no late than April 2025, which shall land masses of Medical Doctors and Pharmacists in prison before the following northern Summer shall end.
All studies of Evolution shall be nationally banned, quite possibly landing any professors, who will not run away to other countries in time, into jail as bad.
All government orfices shall probably be ordered to only hire guys, officially made to send all their female workers back Home to cook, clean, and über alles: manufacture tons of babies for the reich.
Every american town shall be ordered to start hosting lectures and courses (at their local community centers, synagogues and churches) of trad-wives, teaching young girls how to become mindlessly obediend trad-wives as bad. It isn't too far fetched to imagine, how attendance shall be mandatory blat
Following the completion of a new, 70 metres tall mexican border wall, the trump madmen shall probably build another wall, all along their northern border, in order to stop all sane and decent people from running away to canada. Which is Why YOU ALL SHOULD BE RUNNING AWAY FROM THAT MADHOUSE RIGHT NOW, WHILE YOU ALL STILL CAN!!

ESPECIALLY if you happen to have Daughters.


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