An EXCELLENT Vid: How Wellness Culture Sells You a LIE

Here are some of my thoughts while watching it:

Why on Sedna would anyone throw TEN THOUSAND U.S. DOLLARS(!!) on a wood bath to take an ice plunge at, when they can simply move to some small town in northern Russia, pay frequent visits to some nearby village, and plunge there into an ice bath all they want, at -27°C., for a mere fraction of that sum? 😃

Well ANYONE who is willing to spend NINETY NINE U.S. DOLLARS(!!) on a fucking bottle of tap-water, simply because some religious charlatan mumbled a PSEUDO-religious "blessing" over it, then *they truly DESERVE to be scammed.

They downright deserve it.

Well capitalism has its hard roots deep within the christiaNAZI abomination known as "PURITANISM", (which, of course, is the worst and most atrocious ideology ever conceived), that it is simply Logical for it to sadistically TWIST everything the way it does...

And, from the wall-street controlled media's brutal and horrifying "1984"-style attack on "office Romance" and various other Beautiful Love affairs (while carrying the name of "Women's Rights" 100% in vain!!), through the SICK NATIONALISM now spreading everywhere (funded by wall-street!!), to that issue, it is, indeed, ALL about the atomization of human society, so that we shall not be able to come all together and carry out A PROPER GLOBAL SOCIALIST REVOLUTION against the plutocratic global TERROR of those very same wall-street rich enemies of the People.


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