An Excellent Vid by Gutsick Gibbon, from a Bit over a Year Ago, Showing Us Just How Sick and Atrocious fundementalistic christianity TRULY IS

(Case in Question: the Horrible website "answers in genesis")

And Some of My Thoughts while Listening to It:

31:50 - Okay, this headline just has to be one of the dumbest sentences ever said by man. 😂

39:09 - Which shows us all again how christianity is the worst, the sickest and the most perverted thing that humanity has ever came up with.

42:29 - But didn't even that lousy clown tomkins concede to 84%? 😄🤔

47:05 - In fact, their entire style in attacking one of their own, who they think has "gone astray", is shockingly similar to the way another sick and perverted cult has been doing just that.

Anyone who reads the articles by fanatic communists knows this style all too well - the way it points at the recent writings of a certain valued member in their sacred party, and screams "these views are, in fact, going against the [enter some marxist bullshit] and thus, consist of a dangerous deviant towards the decayed bourgeoisie [bla-bla-bla...]"...

Since those sick and psychotic cults are all SOOOOO much the same.

47:52 - The only ones so pathologucally obsessed with death are those fanatical, maniacal christians... whose death is best friend, closest pal.

01:21:37 - But Why would they, or indeed anyone, assume that this god person had created Aðàm as "a twenty to thirty year old" (which was obviously a rather old age at Prehistoric times...)? Based upon... What, exactly? A far more Logical and sensible deduction from the text shall have to be, that he made Aðàm & Ĥavà as 9-year-old kids = still innocent, but already on the verge of sweetly discovering each other.

One must remember, that the traditional age for marriage had been 13 for boys, and 12 for girls. As during the Neolithic, or the Bronze Age, they would not have needed to "go to college and develope career", but rather, to create more future working hands, as many as possible in a situation where most babies do not survive, in order to work the field = the only career almost all of them could ever have hoped to have.

They would not have waited, as we do today, till their thirties to start a Family, since by then they were, most commonly, either sick and feeble elderly people, or already dead.

01:22:08 - How on Calisto are there, today, at the self-proclaimed "First World", people who do actively believe such an incredible degree of SHEER IDIOTIC BULLSHIT??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

01:23:21 - Well, this, indeed, is why the extreme orthodox Jews' way is better - they don't even try to engage themselves at such ridiculous attempts, as trying to _scientifically explain_ all those Fairy Tales they insist upon believing at, but instead say "God is all-powerful, and works in mysterious ways, which we mere mortals can never even hope to be able to understand, He made a miracle and thus it has become so". They just believe their nonsense, without ever attempting to invade Science and distort it, with ridiculous ideas about catastrophic plate tactonics and Aðàm's number of scars. 😄😄

01:31:36 - It is exactly THAT atrocious way, at which he and his various christian pals always talk about everyone who is not a member of their SICK AND PERVERTED cult, which reveals them as the monsters they truly are - and that, given the horrendous opportunity (for example: by having someone such as at the white house), they shall be commencing a wave, of burning Scientists at the stake, exactly like they did 332 years ago in Salem.

02:30:24 - I do not know, of course, what does the law if the u.s. (having itself been dictated by 248 years of fanatic religious psychopaths) say about it, but, at least in the most of the World's countries, saying about someone, at a religious environment, that they are "in rebellion against the lord" = while knowing the violent reactions such accusations have a strong tendency to cause! - is usually considers to be an active incite for murder, and a promotion of religious terrorism, which can very well land the person who wrote them behind bars for many years.

02:31:11 - But the Bible itself is not in unity with itself!! It keeps contradicting itself, for the very simple reasin, that none of it was ever "written by god", but, of course, by very different human beings, over centuries, and was edited, by yet other various human, beings across millennia. So, the very LAST thing, which ANYONE can base upon the Bible, is "unity" of any sort or kind.

02:33:10 - "The Bible commands us to Love our enemies, but it does not command us to Love them".

That sick and self-contradictory sentence tells us all we've ever needed to know about christianity, and how come a faith, that had begun as the ultimate embodiment of Pacifism, has so shockingly fast turned into THE bloodiest ideology that humanity has ever come up with, having slaughtered infinitely MORE human beings, throughout the past 17 awful centuries, than communism, nazisn, and ALL other beliefs and ideologies COMBINED.

02:38:25 - Well seeing how You've just rad to us a text, where he most clearly incites for violence, and seeing how anti-Science he is, of course it makes perfect sense he'll be an antivax antisemite, who incites for violence on other platforms, as well...

Which, of course, brings up the question How the hell has he not been locked up yet - either at prison, or (far better and more humane, of course) a psychiatric hospital???

02:46:02 - That's the very distillment of the term FASCISM: the requirement for an absolute sameness.



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