An Excellent Review, by Unnatural Vegan, of the book "how not to die"

Here Are Some of My Thoughts while Watching It:

00:22 - That _smile,_ so broad that it looks like his face would fall apart. I do not trust people who smile too much.

00:44 - Hmmm. And here I was assuming that he claims to have finally tracked down and arrested that Serpent, who stole it from Gilgamesh. 😉🤣

01:06 - How not to die from brain disease = easy. Just never watch any trash-tv nor sports. 😃

04:43 - How about Sesame? You can eat Tahini, and be absolutely okay when it comes to Calcium...

06:35 - How many patients? How old were they? What had been their medical histories? How about the control group (assuming there was a control group?)?

07:47 - So, he took one single (admittedly long lasting) study about 35 patients, which show how has led to good results, and runs it in trying to prove how shall lead to good results in all of humanity.

As expected; that's not Science.

16:25 - So, in order for this to actually work, all human beings must become grazing Animals, and spend most of the day munching and remunching this green or another.

It is "doctors" like that who give Vegans and Vegetarians bad name, and makes it all looks like an extreme lunacy, instead of the Moral choice that it actually is.

29:39 - So, instead of giving us results from dozens of tiny studies recommending X, and claiming they are large enough and recommend Y, he should simply say, even if several Animal based foods may be okay for our Health, still we must avoid them, and make sure all of humanity shall be abld to avoid them, because of the atrocious IMMORALITY of mass murdering and brutally torturing countless Animals.

This should be his point.

And, to the end: Swayze, salt is poison. It's made of sodium and chloride, what can You expect?? Could be, that at the tiniest amount it will not harm You too much, but that's true for sugar and saturated fat, too... if You consume only tiny bits of it...

And salt is, probably, the very worst of the lot. Just, best avoided.

And, as for the rural Chinese - was it their diet? Or the fact, that they would normally walk dozens of kilometers each day, breathing clean air, and living the Slow Life? 🤔


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